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Switched on Schoolhouse favorite subjects?

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SOS ends it's sale today and I'm considering trying a few subjects now that they have updated their program.  I am considering their biology and maybe some electives, like their Vietnam history package.  If anyone has liked some of their subjects, would you please share which ones you liked and a little about it.  Thank you.



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I see you're interested in the electives.. Wondered if you have used SOS before.  We liked SOS for math in middle school when my sons needed IMMEDIATE feedback on the accuracy of their answers, wanted to work independently, and I didn't want to be the "bad guy" for marking things wrong.  We didn't like SOS for many of the text-type answers for subjects because it can be difficult to have it grade things correctly when there is a spelling error. There are settings for overlooking spelling to a degree, but with my guys having dyslexia, the spelling meant virtually everything was marked incorrect.  That was frustrating and discouraging.  We didn't like it for science (used it once) because my guys needed more interactive programming and more experiments (hands-on).  The science has a lot of text and some pictures, but it is not visually rich as is best for my visual learners.


That's our experience for what it's worth. ;-)

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We used it for health and tried to use it for biology and something else...don't remember what. It was awful. All three were awful. The health I really didn't care about, so dc went through it to say we had done it. The biology...I cared...we switched. Same for the something else. Poorly covered material. Nit-picky grading. Just blah. 

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