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Need advice on 1st/2nd grade decision.

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My 6 yo ds began first grade earlier this year.  His birthday is in late August, so he was very immature when I tried to start him in September for 1st grade.  We started 1st grade in January.  He has been doing great with math and reading and is moving along with his handwriting as well.  As it is, that is all I'm doing with him.  Math, reading, and handwriting.  He is still very immature, so I've just been focusing on the basics.


My conundrum is that I would like to move into a set program for him in order to round out his days a little more.  My older kids have done a little more academic programs...I have one who did Memoria Press for 1st and 2nd and is currently starting their 3rd grade program.  My 4th and 6th grader are doing a combo of Kolbe Academy and Memoria Press.  But this child is soooo not going to be able to do that right now!  He is still all about playtime, hands on, interactive work.  I'm OK with that!  He's a boy and he's moving at his own pace.  I have tried doing MP 1st grade and it's a bad fit for him.  My current train of thought is to do My Father's World and then move him into Memoria Press for 3rd grade, once he's matured a bit.  


The questions I have are:  Is this a good plan?  Should I get the MFW 1st grade or MFW 2nd grade Adventures?  Should I try something else completely??  I'm absolutely stumped on what to do with this child!


I would appreciate any advice.  I'm looking for a set curriculum because I have 7 kids and don't have time to make up a whole new thing for him.  I have also tried Sonlight and he didn't like jumping and switching from book to book.  There also wasn't enough hands on stuff, so I had to constantly look for things to spice up the books and I don't want to have to do that.





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I also have 7 kids and understand how limited your time is! My only advice is focus on the 3Rs with your favorite curriculum and let him play the rest of the time. I had a first grader this year, and she did AAR, AAS, math, HW, poetry memorization, and religion. She listened to some of SOTW 1, but not all of it. Next year I hope to add some science, geography, and narrations to her days, but I'm not overly concern about it. One thing that have 7 kids spread over a wide range has taught me is that we have plenty of time to learn, so there's no need to sweat the early years!


Good luck with you decision!

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