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What scope/sequence would you recommend for my oldest student? I have younger kids to teach writing to also but they do NOT combine well with the oldest. I'll figure their course out later ;).


DS11 (12 this fall) is WAY ahead of his younger brother. We dabbled in SWI-A and set it down because combining the two of them was futile and being a newbie to teaching IEW I couldn't figure out how to work with them together without asking the oldest to do nothing or without dragging younger through the mud. DS11 was ready to move MUCH more quickly with more dense assignments.  Questions in regard to this DS:

I *could* accelerate him thru SWI-A since it's here (and he did a few lessons) but will he be more challenged with Level B? I don't understand the diff between SWI A and SWI B in terms of the writing skills taught. The source materials are slightly more difficult in B but is there a diff in the level of expectation in structure and style? Accelerating SWI A seems like the most frugal option as we can work through it in 12-15 weeks (we've already started) and he could move up to a Level B theme in the fall sometime. 


Are the theme based options "open and go" where we can literally open the book and do the work right there without consulting a DVD, filing papers here and there, etc.?  I have Medieval which is Level B with IEW so could start there and forget SWI A altogether for this kid. 


Is SWI-A challenging enough for a rising 6th grader who is a good writer and not easily overwhelmed by writing? 


ETA: As I'm researching and planning today I think the most sensible option, unless advised otherwise, is to PUSH through the SWI-A with him (at his pace of course but to the point of challenge) and max out the assignments. Thanks for letting me think out loud here!

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  • 9 months later...

I started my 11yo with SWI-B and it was a perfect fit. He was a very reluctant writer and needed the scaffolding and gentle approach, and he's definitely thrived. I would not have him started him with anything simpler (I don't know if A is actually simpler or not, but went with B per the suggestion of the IEW website and my research). I would think B would be too slow for a good writer, however.

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