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Anybody tried Spelling You See?


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Well, I just started the first level with my 6.5DS. Honestly, I don't think I like the looks of the other levels, and I plan to use LOE Foundations in a year or so. What I like about the first level is that it is just dictating words. My main goal for DS is to do a bit more writing and to reinforce his reading. So far it is fulfilling this for us.

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The Old School House Reviewed it.  You can find everyone's reviews about it here: http://www.linkytools.com/wordpress_list.aspx?id=224964&type=thumbnail  My review is this one http://www.nurturinglearning.com/spelling-you-see/.  I used the second level with my 4.5 year old son.  I liked it for him for where he is at right now. 

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