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Rose in BC? Do you know anyone who wants a dressmaker's dummy?

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Since I can barely sew on a button. But, my sister sews and I am going to visit her next week. (Are these large things? (Excuse my ignorance.) Actually the two sisters I am visiting next week both sew and both live close together.


We are leaving on the weekend and I am taking a trip to your town on Thursday (to buy dog food of all things). Let me mull it over tonight and I'll let you know tomorrow.


Thanks for thinking about me! (Although it did highlight my inadequacies! lol!:001_smile:

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I cleaned out my closet and I have one that needs a good home. It's an adjustable one - cost about $300 new. I have the directions still.


It's free to anyone who will come and get it!



Oh oh! Are you near Vancouver? Because, if so...and Rose doesn't want it....I could come up this weekend! I have always wanted one....but they are so expensive....:001_smile:



Awwwwwwww bummer! I just looked up Terrace, BC.....sooooo not close to Vancouver....wahhhhh

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Oh oh! Are you near Vancouver? Because, if so...and Rose doesn't want it....I could come up this weekend! I have always wanted one....but they are so expensive....:001_smile:



Awwwwwwww bummer! I just looked up Terrace, BC.....sooooo not close to Vancouver....wahhhhh


We're heading to the lower mainland this weekend to visit my family and the drive is a long one! We do it all in one day . . . sixteen hours of driving. Just wish someone would cut the road through those coastal mountains! lol!

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We're heading to the lower mainland this weekend to visit my family and the drive is a long one! We do it all in one day . . . sixteen hours of driving. Just wish someone would cut the road through those coastal mountains! lol!


UGH! 16 hours!?! I live in WA...about 2 hours to Vancouver...2 hours is doable....18, not so much. LOL I would love to have the dummy....but I could just buy one for as much as the trip would cost me...:lol:

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And our van is quickly filling up with stuff (actually it's important stuff -- the annual book exchange I make with my sister who also homeschools).


Thanks for the offer though. Hopefully you'll find a home for your dressmaker form and all the other stuff you're sorting through. You are inspiring me to do the same and to look at acquiring more "stuff" with a lot more scrutiny.

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