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Why am I so hesitant to buy MFW??

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Urgggg.  We are using Tapestry of Grace this year (Year 4, Modern).  Both my older kids are doing a mix of rhetoric and dialectic and we've been very happy with it.  I'm less happy with the upper grammar stage, as it's pretty simplified for my older ds (I probably should have him doing the dialectic level, now that I'm sitting here typing about it...).


So, for next year - I am looking at MFW World Literature for the high schoolers (9th and 11th) and Rome to Reformation for the boys (elem and jr high).


I love what I see for both packages - but can't bring myself to purchase it.  I have no idea why??  Someone talk me into hitting the order button! It'd be about $550 for both packages (I'm only ordering what we don't already happen to have on our bookshelves).


(I am pretty sure I don't want to use Tapestry of Grace, year 1 or 2 - because I feel like we would use 100% of the MFW assignments, whereas I am constantly making decisions about what to cut, what to include, what to assign with TOG.  It feels like, perhaps, it's too many choices for the amount of time I have.  We DO love the dialectice/rhetoric discussions and the discussion guides, though, and I don't think MFW really has that component? hmmmmmm, urrrrgggggg!)

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OK, I have the cart ready - after talking with the girls, we decided to order the deluxe packages of both the Ancient History (for high school) and the Creation to the Greeks for the boys instead of piecing it all together.


Thought long and hard on the discussion factor and decided that the discussions this year have been especially meaningful because we've been covering modern history.  So many rabbit trails that the kids have been able to see the connections in what is happening today. I don't think that will be as much of an issue for Ancient History and the Bible study will be the focus of our discussion and I won't need a guideline from them for that (already have plenty here). The oldest dd will just be doing the Bible reading/discussions, as she's already done Ancients for high school, so that makes the Rhetoric discussions even less applicable to our current situation.


So - feeling good about the decision and excited to get a big box of stuff (we've never done that before, I always buy a little here... buy a little there), but less excited to hit the send button on an order of this amount! *faints* :svengo:


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