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Friday's Teachers Lounge 4-11-2014


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It's Friday!


Evidently it's Bad Attitude Friday - and not because of the kids! Don't know why but I have a bad attitude about something right now.

Trying to work through that!


What's the attitude at your house today? Right now?


Weekend plans? Despite having no money, I still plan on seeing a movie with a friend tonight - because I have a gift card! Woohoo!

Tomorrow morning, I may be having a yard sale. Not sure yet. We desperately need money but past efforts at yard sales have resulted

in too much effort for too little return. Hmm...  Then tomorrow night is a wedding at church. Yep, they're going to have to wait on a gift

from us. And Sunday is church.


What's for lunch today? Can I come over? :)


Talk to me! :bigear:



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Hi ya, Scrap!  You're welcome to come over any time as long as you take me and my house as we are.


My attitude is actually a bit better today.  I'm really pushing the vitamin D, magnesium and calcium, all of which were low and all of which can affect attitude. 


Weekend plans depend a lot on dd who is sick.  Most likely I will be at home working on taxes.



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Oh my goodness, Scrap, your thread just reminded me that it is Friday!  (You would think that my thread "Who's Going to Tackle Friday With Me" would have reminded me, but no. . . . )  And that ds was supposed to be at his volunteer gig over a half hour ago!  I just yelled loudly for him (scared the kids) and he's been delivered safe and sound to his job.  He'll just work a bit longer to make up the time.  

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