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Trying to print from Donna Young's site but having trouble...


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I am trying to print off handwriting pages for my ds7 to practice his manuscript before we move to cursive.


Here is the link to the page I am interested in: Small Print Handwriting.


Am I missing something? Do you now have to own the site CD to print her materials? Is this page just not operational or am I just missing something really basic (which wouldn't surprise me at all!)


Thanks so much! I would contact them to ask but their contact page is not operational right now. It says it will be back up mid-July but obviously that didn't happen! ;)

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Sometimes her site is funny. If you look directly above the image of the document you are wanting to print, there are tabs. If you click on the Zaner-bloser tab, it'll take you to the page that has several of the worksheets listed on the right.


This is the link to the one you wanted to print:




(For some reason the link doesn't work when I click on it, so you'll have to copy and paste it.)


I hope this helps. It's hard explaining how to find things on web page (in a way that makes sense anyway).




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I want my ds7 to go through the alphabet one more time practicing each manuscript letter and it's proper formation before moving on to cursive. Most of the pages I keep finding use really wide lines but I am looking for something with much smaller lines. Is there anything like this out there (for free online) or should I just make my own?



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