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Hope for Picky Eaters!


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We have struggled with a very picky eater for 9 years!  He had very few foods he would eat and getting him to eat something new was a very emotionally draining job.  I decided long ago that I wouldn't make food a battle ground.  That basically meant he has eaten the same thing for dinner almost every night for a LONG time.  Occasionally I would ask him to have a bite of what we were having and after I long struggle he might try it.  A few weeks back I again tried the "you have to have a little of what we are having."  I was able to get him to actually eat what we were eating.  We haven't looked back.  He has added SO many new foods in the past few weeks.  We also had an appointment with an endo just to check in on growth issues.  All tests came out fine (bone age is one year young) but she really focused on good nutrition and increased food intake with him.  He really heard her.  He is now on a four meal a day plan (basically substituting after school snack with after school second lunch).


I really believe this is all due to him reaching some developmental milestone that allowed him to address whatever fear/phobia he had about food.  I am so grateful we didn't spend years fighting over food because I don't think it would have done any good.  He had to reach this point and then he could do it.


So there is hope out there for all of you struggling with picky eaters...hopefully in time they will also be able to try new things without fear!

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