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Books about the Reformation for a 2nd grader? (Help? Please?)


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We're using SOTW Middle Ages this year, which doesn't cover the Renaissance or Reformation in depth, so I planed on just adding a few more books to our reading list to make up for it. There seems to be plenty about the Renaissance that a 2nd grader can read independently or that I can read aloud to him, but I'm having a much tougher time finding anything on the Reformation at this level.


The only two books that look promising:


Rats, Bulls & Flying Machines (Someone here was kind enough to recommend this...)


And today I found Ten Boys Who Made a Difference, which covers Augustine, John Knox, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jan Hus, William Tyndale... etc.


So my question is this: does anyone know of any books about the Reformation, especially biographies of the Reformers?


Also, since I can't read any excerpts of Ten Boys... online, can anyone here tell me whether this would be appropriate for a 2nd grader? Are the stories well written, interesting, and accurate? I know it's only $7 on Amazon, but you know how it is... don't really want to add to my pile of Never Used if I can avoid it. :P


Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. :)

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Here's a great picture book:

"Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed The World" by Paul L. Maier


You could also try "Trial and Triumph: Stories from Church History" by Richard M. Hannula


And this book: "Courage and Conviction: Chronicles of the Reformation Church" (History Lives series) by Brandon and Mindy Withrow


You can see them all on Amazon.

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Thank you all for the great suggestions. Amazon is going to love you. :D


Here's a great picture book:

You could also try "Trial and Triumph: Stories from Church History" by Richard M. Hannula


And this book: "Courage and Conviction: Chronicles of the Reformation Church" (History Lives series) by Brandon and Mindy Withrow




Brenda (or anyone else who can answer this), Do you think the History Lives series would engage a 7-year-old? (He'll be 8 in November). I saw Courage and Conviction and also Monks and Mystics, but their website says the series was written for ages 9-14, and I haven't been able to find sample pages online to evaluate it for myself.

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Oh, and one more question: does anyone know of any books (for elementary aged readers) about the origins of the Gregorian Chant? I'm pretty sure it was Pope Gregory I who first incorporated early chants into worship, but I have not been able to find anything in picture book (or even short chapter book) form. Thought it would be fun to read about it this year though, and listen to the music on CD. :)

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History Lives - Unfortunately I haven't read any of them to my kids yet - but I plan to and one of them is 8. I believe Jessica has used them with her daughter at that age. Maybe you could pm her and ask?


About Gregorian chant - I remember that from when we went thru year two. It may be mentioned in SOTW? I can't think what else we read that it might have come up - but I know it did. Sorry I couldn't better help you - but maybe this bump will get someone who can!

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Thank you all for the great suggestions. Amazon is going to love you. :D




Brenda (or anyone else who can answer this), Do you think the History Lives series would engage a 7-year-old? (He'll be 8 in November). I saw Courage and Conviction and also Monks and Mystics, but their website says the series was written for ages 9-14, and I haven't been able to find sample pages online to evaluate it for myself.


Jamie (that's my sister's name :001_smile:),

I have Monks & Mystics, Courage & Conviction (History Lives series by the Withrows) and Trial & Triumph (Hannula). My 2nd grader, who turned 7 in June, isn't interested enough to read them himself but they are good read-alouds. Even though my 4th grader could read them independently, I think the subject matter is good for discussion, so we read chapters aloud together so we can talk it over.


The History Lives books have longer chapters and a somewhat higher reading level than Trial & Triumph, in my opinion. As far as the Reformation goes, T&T has chapters on Wyclif, Hus, Luther, Tyndale, Calvin, Askew, Latimer, Ridley & Cranmer, Knox, and Jeanne d'Albret.

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About Gregorian chant - I remember that from when we went thru year two. It may be mentioned in SOTW? I can't think what else we read that it might have come up - but I know it did. Sorry I couldn't better help you - but maybe this bump will get someone who can!


I just read SOTW2 over the summer, and it wasn't mentioned there that I can remember (although I will admit that my memory is not exactly my BFF). I had asked my mom about it--she was a music major--because I just figured it probably originated during the early Middle Ages, and she did find a snippet about it in one of her books and read me a little about the history of Gregorian chants. I'll just have to keep poking around to see if there's anything in a format for younger readers.


Thank you for your help though, and for the bump. :)

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Jamie (that's my sister's name :001_smile:),

I have Monks & Mystics, Courage & Conviction (History Lives series by the Withrows) and Trial & Triumph (Hannula). My 2nd grader, who turned 7 in June, isn't interested enough to read them himself but they are good read-alouds. Even though my 4th grader could read them independently, I think the subject matter is good for discussion, so we read chapters aloud together so we can talk it over.


The History Lives books have longer chapters and a somewhat higher reading level than Trial & Triumph, in my opinion. As far as the Reformation goes, T&T has chapters on Wyclif, Hus, Luther, Tyndale, Calvin, Askew, Latimer, Ridley & Cranmer, Knox, and Jeanne d'Albret.


Thanks, that helps. :) I've read excerpts of Trial & Triumph online (Amazon), and I'm on the fence about it. My son will listen to fiction that is above his level, but when it comes to other, less fanciful stuff, it's hit/miss. Some of SOTW1 held his attention, other parts didn't. So if History Lives is more challenging T&T as far as reading level, I think it would be better to wait on that.

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