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Do you have your kids write out their assignments for the day or even week?


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If so how do you go about having them do it? Do you have an assignment book or just a notebook?


Dc are in a weekly 4-h group, they do have homework to do. Last week they forgot half of what they were suppose to do. I told them they needed to write it down for now on. They just looked at me like I was crazy...maybe they thought I should write it down for them like I do everything else.


I want them to know how to do this type of stuff.

If they ever have to go to ps I don't want them struggling because they don't know how to do simple things like this.


What other simple things like this do you have your kids do?

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Your 18yo and maybe your 12yo should pick up on how to do this pretty easily, but YOU must show them how to break down a week's worth of assignments into daily, bite-sized, managable chunks.


You will probably need to do this for your 10yo, but maybe talk about how you broke down the assignments.


I'm working on this same skill with my 14yo ds.



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My goal this year is to transition them into writing their own assignments. I have a student planner for each kid. The first two weeks of school are written in for them. Beginning with week 3, I will hand them a sheet with their assginments and they will transfer those assignemnts into their student planner. My dd went to ps last year (she begged me to go , then begged me to come back) and each teacher listed the week's assignment on the board. It was very helpful getting the students organized. (This school (a "charter" school) also helped the 6th graders organize their notebooks. )

I believe having kids write down their own assignments helps them learn to schedule and organize their day, just like in the "real world".

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We buy a student assignment book from Rainbow Resource, and each dd keeps her own assignments. After I teach a lesson, I give an assignment of follow-up work. They write it down and do it later when I am done teaching everything. They also write in things like Bible reading time, music practice, homework for outside classes, etc.

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I will hand them a sheet with their assginments and they will transfer those assignemnts into their student planner. My dd went to ps last year (she begged me to go , then begged me to come back) and each teacher listed the week's assignment on the board. It was very helpful getting the students organized. (This school (a "charter" school) also helped the 6th graders organize their notebooks. )

I believe having kids write down their own assignments helps them learn to schedule and organize their day, just like in the "real world".


...for my high schoolers, anyway.


I have a sheet with everything that I want done in a week, for all the subjects I direct. I give it to them, they transfer it into their planners, and add their exercise schedule (along with indoor rock climbing, this is their 'P.E.'), and any electives, or subjects they're directing on their own.


They're not entirely on their own, as to what's done when, because I've requested that we have Fridays basically free (and available for discussion, catch-up, and housecleaning), but within that framework, they decide how to schedule it. (We have a daily check-in and discussion).


It's been awesome. (We're in week three).

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