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healthy eating + grocery shopping

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Has anyone successfully stopped shopping at the grocery store except for a few things here and there? We like to eat organically as much as possible and I'd like to get to a point where we either grow our own food and make our own things. I do buy wheat and grind and order bulk items from our food co-op once a year.


I realize there are a few items that need to come from stores but have you gotten your shopping trips down to monthly or less?


I guess I'd like to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on Walmart, etc.


If you make most of your food items from scratch, what do you keep on hand?




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I belong to a CSA year round- actually in the summer I belong to 2- one for fruits and one for veggies then in the winter I belong to only one for both fruits and veggies. I get almost all bulk goods at azure standard. I do pop in to Trader Joe's once every week or two for avocados and once a month or so for frozen fruit for smoothies and the Target-like store here that carries the night time underwear my son needs once-ish per month. Sometimes I go to really good sales on produce (organic) at different stores and store up. I also have a garden which gets larger every year.

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