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Friday's Teachers Lounge 3-7-2014


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Happy Friday!  Welcome to the Teachers Lounge, a place where those in the trenches of teaching troops at home

can come in, put their feet up, and enjoy some food, fun, and fellowship (aka adult conversation), or maybe just take a nap!


It is Friday and while I told the kids we'd "start stuff" at 9;30am and it's 9:28am right now, I'm just not ready!

I would also like us to maybe go hang out at a local cafe to work on school but when one is gluten-intolerant, where does one go?


What's on your menu today?


What's your schedule look like this weekend?


Anyone going to do any scrapbooking, quilting, crafting over the weekend?


Talk to me!  :bigear:


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Hi ya, Scrap!  I can't give you advice on a cafe.  Could you take a disposable table cloth and go somewhere?  Or is just having gluten in the air bad?  


Menu - food.  For dh's before work dinner I'm serving him rice (have to remember to put the rice cooker on), a rotisserie chicken and salad.  Not sure of anything else.


Schedule - the ILs are going to move yet again.  Dh and the kids are being pressed into work detail.  I would be pressed into work detail but am still very ill.  


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