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CK12 +LOF Math-talk me down

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I'm panicking a little bit. 


Sagg is newly 11, did LOF Fractions, starting LOF Decimals and percents, very much looking forward to LOF Physics this summer.

He did SIngapore through 4B, but he enjoyed it less and less, and I don't have the fortitude to sit with him and walk him through it. Up to 4A, he did it pretty much independently.


He LOVES Fred. LOVES. It seems to be the most common choice in my circles for secular higher level math.


He is a mathy kid. He hangs out on Khan Academy, doing things I don't begin to understand. He wants to go into a math-based career, accounting or finance, or something like that. He's 11. Who knows.


After reading here, I don't think LOF is adequate. He is flying through it. So I'm thinking we needs more.


Today he started CK-12 Braingenie to go along with LOF Decimals. He killed it. He finished almost the whole introduction in an hour. There is plenty more, and I'm sure it will get harder as he goes. He said this part was all review. 


So I'm thinking that we do CK-12 (maybe all of it, maybe just the parts he doesn't already know through LOF and other things), and LOF together. 


My concerns:


I am not a math person. At all. I took Stats, but beyond that, I got nothing. My math education was dismal. I don't think I can help him very much. At this point, I can assist, but I certainly can't teach him. I looked at MEP. No. It's torture. I would cry. A lot. 


Our budget is minimal. If I spend $100 on math, that's pretty much it. There won't be much left for other subjects or other kids. LOF is affordable and reusable and CK12 is free. Those aren't the deciding factors, but they are important. 


I want something reasonably independent. I have other things that need my attention. I want my kids to be able to do the majority of their work on their own, with little hand holding.  LOF and CK12 are independent, requiring little from me. 


Sagg is, for now, at least, very committed to Fred. He almost teared up when I talked to him about trying AOPS or something else that might be a bit more challenging. He was hesitant with Braingenie at first, but he seems to be on board. He will continue with Khan Academy and whatever resources we find along the way. We really can't afford both Fred and something else, so switching to a paid curriculum would mean giving up Fred.


I don't want to burn him out. He has LDs. This has been such a long, hard road. He is now happy to learn. I don't want to kill that. If it's too hard, or too long, or too much, he will quit. He is already super hard on himself. He needs to succeed. The rest of his life is hard enough. 



Ok. So, is this adequate? Is he going to get a decent math education? Is there something else that would be better? Does he need AOPS? Am I worrying too much? Not enough?



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It sounds good to me. My only reservation with Fred has been that DD hasn't gotten her basic facts down. She's not a mathy kid, but loves Fred and is making progress with it. 


Another option you might consider is Jousting Armadillos, but Fred stands alone just fine for plenty of kids, imo. It sounds like you've found a good supplement. You should be golden.

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I'm not familiar with the braingenie.  We looked at the CK12 math flexbooks, and they were not challenging enough for dd12.  We used Khan Academy for a few months, but dd12 hates video lectures.  I think Khan Academy and LOF can make a good curriculum, though, so if he is doing that plus the Braingenie then I think you're fine.

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