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Robotics competitions?

Renthead Mommy

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My son is working on his Robotics merit badge for boys scouts.  He needs to fill out a sheet about three different competions.  We've looked through the websites they listed for resources, but they really don't seem to give all the info that  he needs, mainly number of teams and  the time commitment.  If your child has been in a competition, can you tell us which one so we can look it up, but also give us an idea of the time commitment involved and the number of teams that participated (rough idea is fine). 


Thank you. 

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We did First Lego League.  We did one meeting a week for 2-2.5 hours, from early October to late January.  In the last week, we met 3-4 times for a couple of hours each.  We had six boys on our team.  There are two teams in our town, there were 32 at the regional tournament (we took first, woo-hoo!), there were 26 at the semi finals, and 54 at state. 

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