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Friday's Teachers Lounge 2-28-2014


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Welcome to the Teachers Lounge! A place for homeschool parents/teachers to kick back, relax, have a snack if you want,

and enjoy some adult conversation.


Today we're going to try something new and NOT talk about k-i-d-s.


I want to know about YOU!


What's the best thing that's happened to you this week?  For me, I think it was that two different people invited me to do something this week.

I usually do the inviting so this has been fun for me!


What's an upcoming special event that you're anticipating? Here: my birthday is on the 11th, and I have that day packed with things that I want

to do: lunch with my mom and kids, getting fitted for pointe shoes, and a writers group meeting that evening.  I think I may try to talk the family into

going out to breakfast that day IF I can find a restaurant that makes GF waffles or pancakes!


What are you reading for fun these days? Here: I'm reading an historical romance by Kris Tualla called Leaving Norway. But last night I wanted something lighter

(as in more Young Adult category reading) and so I began reading, again, The Burning Bridge in the Rangers Apprentice series by John Flanagan.


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!


Best thing this week . . .   that the meds haven't been as awful as I thought they might be?  


Looking forward to . . .  getting better finally?  Maybe?  Sorry - I've been quite ill since the week before Christmas and that sort of drowns out all the rest of life - other than just trying to get stuff done.


Reading for fun . . . a book that was recommended on here in a Little House thread called "The Wilder Life".

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