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Friday's Teachers' Lounge 2-21-2014


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Happy Friday!
Welcome to the Lounge where homeschooling parents can hang out, have adult conversation, and even take a nap if they want!
On the menu for snacks today is Paleo zucchini 'bread'. Definitely gluten-free, but NOT nut free. You all are my guinea pigs on this because it will
be the first time I've ever made it! But give me an hour or two because I have to clean off the kitchen counter first! I also have a an assortment of organic
apples and bananas.
That being said, I'm still trying to decide if I need to go see the doc today or not. Don't worry, I'm not contagious, but I was having chest pain this morning.
They tell me it's not cardiac because they have done every.single.test in that area that can be done and it all comes back negative. Those of you that pray,
please pray for me as I also have to be working on a paper today AND figure out how to keep my 9yo "let's do something together even though we've already
been doing stuff together all day" son occupied. 
What are you all up to today?
What's for lunch?
What's your favorite special-dietary-needs snack or entree? Please share the recipe if you have it! I've currently gone Paleo so here's mine:
"Apple Pie Bites"

copyright 2014 Tricia Postma
1 small sweet apple of your choice
2-3 tbsp macadamia nut butter
Cut the apple into slices. Drizzle or spoon on macadamia nut butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
I needed something to satisfy my sweet tooth one night but I'm not eating sugar on the Paleo plan.
This was the happy accident of that! Tastes so sweet, you'd swear you were cheating but you're not!
It tastes great with a little Allspice added, too, but I think I like it better with the first 3 ingredients. Enjoy!

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Hi Scrap.  I shouldn't be here.  I should be on my way to the lab for blood tests.  I'll leave as soon as I post, this, promise!


I have chest pains and pressure often - due to inflammation.  (My heart has been thoroughly checked out.)


Well, my testing has to be fasting so I'm not joining you for any bites!  (OK  - just a couple since they are virtual.)

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Jean, go get that blood work done, missy! The 'bread' isn't ready yet, anyway. I'll save some for when you get back!


I think my chest pain might be from inflammation, too. Wednesday I had a little bit of wheat, a little bit of dairy, and a little bit of sugar. NONE of which is on my Paleo diet!

Shhh! Don't tell my mom! She has literally threatened to discipline me if I don't stick with it! :-P  At this point, due to the pain I've been in the past couple of days SINCE my

eating error, I have NO plans to ever eat wheat again. And probably not sugar, either. Can't promise on the dairy but we'll see.


The Paleo 'bread' is now in the slow cooker (yep, the crockpot) and should be done in about an hour.


Anyone else want to pop in and visit for a bit? I have to go wash dishes but I'm still up for chatting!

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Yeah, I kind of had to laugh when I wrote that. Neither do I! 


Anyway, the 'bread' is done but ... different. Not bad. Just different. You have to eat it more like cake than bread.

And we've decided it's missing something. It's not bad, just needs a little extra oomph: perhaps nutmeg and/or allspice next time.



Now to work on some homework!

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Where in the world is everyone?? It's awfully quiet here in the Lounge today. I'm going to step out for a bit to take the dog

for a walk. Feel free to pop in and chill for a bit. Chat. Or if no one's here, close your eyes for a few and just relax. Back in about 20 or so minutes.

If you're new and wondering what we do here in the Teachers Lounge look at today's original post. B-)

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Hey, Scrap.  I'm popping in here from time to time.  Picture me in my TARDIS.  


I'm pretty proud of myself.  Ds got stuck in Alg 2.  I never took Alg 2 and am seriously deficient in math.  I sat down with his math text and solved the problem!  I have absolutely no idea what I did or why I did what I did, but I did get the right answer.  I just found an example in the book that looked like his problem and substituted his numbers and letters for the one in the example.  Voila.  Now I hope that ds can see what I did and use his knowledge of the actual math to figure out what I did and why.



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