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Great courses/teaching company biology

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I've tried searching a million ways and I just can't find anything.  The only thread that had these terms mentioned together is part of the older board and can't be brought up. 


I'm looking for opinions on the DVD, as far as using it as a lecture with additional reading/lab work.  I don't know why I'm struggling so much with finding a science; high school is scaring me.  I feel like just reading and listening to me will be boring as all heck, and i"m looking to not make her high school life miserable. 


I'm also looking at adding some of those lectures for history, as well, if anyone wants to throw any input into those, but I'm not as freaked out about that as I am about science.

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Thanks.  I looked up TTC, TC, TGC, and even the professors name, Nowicki, and didn't get any hits. 


There still seem to be mixed reviews. 


I'd love any other video/audio lecture on Biology if there is something besides these particular ones that someone could suggest?  (Secular preferred)

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I see I posted on one of those threads.  My youngest used the Great Courses, Biology: The Science of LIfe for biology along with one of the Campbell textbooks.  This was at least 4 years ago, so I can't give you many details, but I can say that the series was excellent, the professor was very clear in his explanations, and while it didn't line up exactly with the text we had, it wasn't hard to figure out which chapters should go with which lectures --- I followed lecture order.


We used some virtual labs and activities I found on line along with some kits I got from Carolina lab/science/biology supply (sorry, that's one of the fuzzy details) with my goal being that my ds could be prepared to take the SAT II subject exam at the end of the semester if he wanted (he didn't).


I haven't heard of any other secular lectures series, but don't think you could go wrong with this.  Have you checked to see if you library has it so you can do a preview?  You could check out Hippocampus, see what they have for biology.

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No, but I can download the lecture from audible.com as a free credit :)


Then go for it -- you've got nothing to lose!  I thought it was the most brilliant thing ever when audible started offering those lecture series, and even though I'm an empty nester I still have downloaded a course for myself. You don't get the course outline through audible, and obviously don't get the visual aids, but I can't remember how much visual stuff there was in this course.  I remember finding all sorts of material on-line to supplement what was in the lectures or texts, anyway.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I see this thread is about a month old, but thought I'd chime in.  I used selected TC "Biology:  The Science of Life" lectures by Stephen Nowicki to accompany a high school level Holt biology book last year.  Worked beautifully.  Had students take Cornell notes.  Most lectures were fine in audio.  As always, buy Teaching Company lectures when they're on sale!

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