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Beyond the Book Report

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  • 2 months later...

We used BBR Season 1 for my 7th grader.  The book reports were great, but I just didn't feel it was "enough" writing, even though I am working with a reluctant learner.  Her writing skills are behind, and there wasn't enough content there to make significant progress in her skills.  Basically they get a brief lecture on the literature analysis skills needed for that report and instructions on the requirements...that's it.  Then the student goes off to read the book, and spend a few days writing the report.  The instruction is good....there's just very little of it, and there's only 2-3 days spent actually writing (per book report).  So overall, you're looking at maybe 9 days of writing all year?  That's not enough for me to get my child writing well.  I ended up supplementing.   We may use it next year, but NOT as our writing program....I would consider it a literature supplement.

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When I looked at it at the convention, it seemed like the target age was more 5th grade-ish, which might explain some of the comments.  I was surprised at the JUMP in tasks from season 1 to season 2.  


Since my dd is too old for the BBT stuff, I added it to my list of ideas for ds for the future.  It might be a nice part of filling the gap with kids who have finished their WWE work who aren't ready to move on to WWS yet.  BBT1 wouldn't be the ONLY writing they're doing, but it certainly looked good.  Whether it has enough structure, that I don't remember.  I just liked the varied genres.  It seems to combat the uber-boring narrate a book/die of boredom approach in WTM.  To me that makes it a component of your writing approach at that age, not the only writing.

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