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My son has decided he wants to start a non-profit organization mobilizing youth in our area and on the web to fight climate change. His premise is good and he has done the leg work with multiple adult non profit organization in our area. The issue was always money to get it off the ground. Now he has discovered grants.


He is currently writing his first one, and is excited to do more. This one is a micro grant program (funds under 1,000) and directed specifically for youth. It seemed like a good place to start, but I realize now I need to be thinking bigger picture to have resources ready. I am fairly sure within the next year he is going to want to do a KickStarter campaign, but right now we are focusing more on written grants.


Does anyone know of good books, online media, programs or organizations out there? He struggles with legitimacy until people are willing to meet with him. Once he starts talking, everyone realizes how serious he is and he is treated as a young adult.

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There are lots of books- I think any of the dummy books will be fine. Have him check the local nearby large library system for grant writing classes. Some hints. Make sure he is answering the questions. Grant questions are very specific. Keep info positive, quantifiable and results- based. No one wants to be your only funder, so make sure he can show other sources of support. Also, be prepared to be turned down. Sometimes that's just part of the process of getting "on the radar" for funders.


Does he need to be a 501c3? He needs to make sure he meets their requirements before applying.


Good luck to him!

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You might check out the Foundation Center.  They have a tutorial on proposal writing here:




The Association of Small Foundations is another one.



There are a couple of free Google Helpouts available right now that he might be interested in:









Also, we have a small business development center around here that I think also helps out non-profits, and they offer lots of free educational resources.  Good luck and kudos to him!  I would reach out to other grant writers who might be willing to mentor him, or even local universities.  Sometimes students need a project like that for a class, and will help write grants.




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elladarcy - He needs non-profit status to be able to use PayPal with a "Donate" button.  Without status it is difficult to accept online donations.  It is also not considered a tax write off for businesses without status, unless you provide them with advertising.  The status is mainly to ensure he can properly designate himself for their taxes.  I'm currently getting the paperwork in order for that.  Total INSANITY!  It was far too much for him.  We have help from a local accountant at the Sierra Club.


GrantMom - Universities are a FABULOUS idea.  Didn't even think of that one!


Thanks everyone!

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