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8th Grader will finish grammar next month - what then? (x-post)

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So our 8th grader is finishing up her GWG 8 soon and I'm wondering if there's something I can do with her for the rest of the year to take advantage of the time before HS credits/curriculum kick-in. I should add, I've not finalized what I want to do with her for HS grammar so I'm open to ideas that lead into that.  This is what she's done/doing this year for Language Arts:  GWG 8, Sentence Composing (Kilgallon) for Elementary, Lightning Lit 7, and IEW-SWIB, weekly history narrations, Sadlier-Oxford Vocab C.


I really don't know what her HS grammar should look like - I've read such a split verdict on teaching grammar as a formal subject through High School vs teaching it via editing and composition. To that end, I'm feeling a tad lost on how to approach the rest of this semester! Thoughts? (I might cross-post on the HS board to see if anyone there can weigh in on what they wish their highschoolers knew before 9th. ;) )

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I am planning a review year for my rising 8th grader using the 8th grade Easy Grammar.  He needs bare bones editing practice/grammar.  Also, for my freshman this year he is using MFW which is light on grammar IMO, so he is doing Fix-It grammar by IEW.  It is a whole year (or you can easily speed things up to whatever your timetable) of editing practice.  There are 4(I think) stories to choose from.  It is great for grammar application.   I enjoyed the Princess and the Pea story from last year retold in Andrew Pudewa's sense of humor in the perspective of the prince.  My ds wasn't impressed, but it made me laugh. :)



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I would decide the next step based upon how well your DD is applying correct grammar in her writing assignments.  Do you see her grammar instruction being carried over into real-life application?


This is a good point. I do feel she's doing an acceptable job of using grammar correctly, but I'm unsure of whether that means we should discontinue it for high school outside of an editing context. :confused:  


I forgot about "Fix it" or I also wonder if Editor-in-chief could be good to give her some application for the rest of the year and on through 9th (or if it's too light for that)?

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My DS is younger, so I don't have any BTDT advice, but I looked up what SWB says about grammar study in high school.  She wrote in TWTM (3rd edition, page 482-483) that by the end of middle school, a student should have been exposed to all the grammar skills they'll need, but the student should also continue to study grammar through all four years of high school in order to reinforce those skills and make them automatic.  She recommends four years of Rod & Staff materials (Communicating Effectively Books 1 and 2, then R&S's English Handbook), or Analytical Grammar spread over two years followed by some Stewart English, if you need secular materials. 


FWIW, I haven't used Analytical Grammar, but I see their website also has a high school level "reinforcement" package.  Maybe that would fit the bill.


Since it sounds like you're not sure, maybe your gut is telling you to continue grammar for a while longer yet.  You can always change your mind later.  :coolgleamA:  Has your DD always used GWG?  Maybe look around at other grammar curricula that could be used in high school and see what resonates with you?


I don't know yet what I'll do with DS.  If he continues to correctly apply his grammar lessons to all his other writing, I doubt we'll actually spend all of high school continuing to study grammar.  I just don't think we're that crazy about grammar in this family, but if it was something DS enjoyed I would continue.  I might just do a portion of what SWB advises and have him keep a "running list of grammar rules and principles that consistently trip her(/him) up". 


Another one you might look at, just to finish out this year for your DD, is Daily Paragraph Editing.  DS does a page or two of that once in a while too, in addition to his regular grammar, because he thinks its more fun to find others' mistakes.  It is good reinforcement.


HTH.  Also hope others chime in who've decided this already or have BTDT with their high schoolers. 

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My dd wil finish Hake 8 in the next few months.  Next year we will continue MCT and also use Stewart English or Analytical Grammar.  I am leaning toward Stewart, but I'm far from certain at this point.


We probably don't need to continue, especially with multiple resources, but the books seem to still be going deeper and broader. 


Have the basics been covered? Probably. I think it is a matter of goals and the child. I can see various viewpoints for both continuing and stopping. For us, continuing seems to be the right decision even though she isn't struggling at all.

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I haven't BTDT, but I plan to have dd done with studying grammar by 8th grade.  She will be using the skills that she has learned at this point in her compositions.  Language Arts and Reading will merge into Literature (or English whichever you want to call it).  I may do the review booklets from AG, but that would be the extent of formal grammar at this point. 

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I haven't reached that point yet, but I can share my tentative plans. 


We have completed Season 1 of Analytical Grammar and are in a "reinforcement and review" period.  I have been very pleased with AG.  The curriculum is easy to implement and my DD's retention has been excellent.  Based upon what we've done so far, I will likely use the high school reinforcement materials.

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