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Call me stupid - what do I need to order for LOE foundations?


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What do I need to order for LOE Foundations A? The website looks a bit confusing. Does the handwriting automatically come with the package? Is there EVEN an all inclusive package just for A? I saw them for all the levels, but I only want A right now.

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Handwriting instruction is included in the teacher's manual. A bare bones order would be the teacher's manual and the student workbook (either manuscript or cursive). The level A readers listed are included in the student workbook.


If you were to get just one more item than that, the game cards would come in handy, as some games in Foundations use them. I just skipped the games if they used some of the specialized cards or used homemade flash cards if they did not. Doodling Dragons is referenced in the TM, but you don't have to read it. All the information on the charts that are available are also included in the appropriate location in the teacher books. They'd be handy if you are unfamiliar with the material and don't like flipping around to find things, but they aren't needed.

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Handwriting instruction is included in the teacher's manual. A bare bones order would be the teacher's manual and the student workbook (either manuscript or cursive). The level A readers listed are included in the student workbook.


If you were to get just one more item than that, the game cards would come in handy, as some games in Foundations use them. I just skipped the games if they used some of the specialized cards or used homemade flash cards if they did not. Doodling Dragons is referenced in the TM, but you don't have to read it. All the information on the charts that are available are also included in the appropriate location in the teacher books. They'd be handy if you are unfamiliar with the material and don't like flipping around to find things, but they aren't needed.

I don't mind ordering everything if it makes my life easier, lol.

Doodling Dragons... is that just letter sounds? With the exception of long vowels, he knows his letter sounds with immediate recall.

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I ordered the complete set for Foundations. 

Out of what we did get, I think what *I* think is necessary to have:

-teachers manual

-student workboook

-tactile cards (either manuscript or cursive depending on which one you're using for your handwriting); We love these!


I like the game cards now that my son is close to the end of Level A because he uses them to spell when his hands are tired from the physical writing. But I wouldn't say they are necessary. And if you did want to use smaller cards, I think these could be easily made at home. 


The whiteboard is small, for what my son is now writing out. 


Doodling Dragons is nice for my youngest, but not at all necessary IMO 

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Doodling Dragons is just the alphabet phonograms (a-z) as a rhyming alphabet book. The difference between this book and say, the Dr. Seuss alphabet book, is that Doodling Dragons has words to show all the sounds of a letter. So C includes both hard c (as in cat) and soft c (as in cent). G and S also have two sounds included. The vowels have more than just the short and long sounds. Some have up to four sounds included (i and y have four sounds; a, o, and u have three; e has just 2). It isn't necessary, just a fun addition that is mentioned in the TM. I used LOE during beta test and it wasn't scheduled in at that point.

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I think you need:

The manual

The student book (includes the readers).


I really liked having

The white board with the lines. It is my favorite white board ever.

The phonogram cards.


It was a fun bonus to have

The tactile cards

The game cards


I bought the doodling Dragons app and that was really nice because it includes the story and is interactive.

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