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Why are most Christian textbooks so bloody boring??/NM

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Have you looked at a lot? (I'm sure the ones you saw weren't  boring just because they were Christian lol)

As for drill/review questions, some curricula do seem to over supply them so that there will be enough for every possible student. That means that if your child doesn't need 763 questions at the end of the section, you just pick a few, or have him work through them 5 at a time until you see that he 'gets' that topic, or whatever works for you. Remember, curriculum resources are there to serve you and your child, not the other way around (there is no such thing as the Curriculum Police who will come to your house and arrest you if your kid didn't complete every question ;) )

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Are the secular texts you are looking at homeschool texts? If not, the review questions are probably only in the teacher materials, not in the student books. Homeschool texts tend to be more inclusive of all the materials you will need. I've used BJU science and secular science and have not found one to be more colorful or more interesting than the other. I did find Abeka to be a very boring style of prose when I read a couple of chapters of one science text to decide if I wanted to use it. That  said, it was still pretty :).


Apologia is totally its own style. Lower production cost, less color, narrative writing style. People tend to love or hate it. 


We use PH Concepts in Action for Physical Science. For Biology we went with Miller Levine. I've used it twice now and still love it. I used Apologia Chem for my oldest, but I'm planning to use BJU for the next. Variety is the spice of life :)



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My dd loves Behold and See 6 from Catholic Heritage. (btw--We aren't Catholic, and that hasn't been an issue.) The format is lovely and colorful and the text engaging. The experiments generally require on-hand items. She always wants to tell me about everything she reads. I was very excited to see that they are reformatting their Life Science into the Behold and See series. It will be available in March.



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