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Shurley English has stopped working here........


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We've been doing Shurely all year......it was going so well that I went ahead and got the next next level (I had planned to follow the every other level thing). It was an awesome deal.


We had a hiccup about a month into it, but I forced us to get through it. Everything was groovy until two chapters ago. Now, my ds dreads it. Before he just sailed through it....and was retaining so much that at the end of February I was planning on doing the next next level.


Now, I'm having doubts about this being the way for us.



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I would just mentally set it aside with no fuss and do something else for awhile. Something LA related that isn't Shurley. I used and liked Shurley just so you know. Maybe some literary analysis. Something different for up to a month. Then pick up Shurley and step back a week or two,ideally to before the concept that made him hate it if you suspect it is a lack of understanding that is causing the problem. If he is bored just go back and get the book done. Use your judgement at that point for the next level. FYI we did every other level for Shurley and took quite a few break.

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I used Shurley English Levels 3-7 with my older kids and found it soooooo boring and repetitive.  I think what I disliked most was that they increased the difficulty so slowly until Level 7, and then added a LOT.  It didn't really leave them enough time to really learn everything in the last level and transfer it into long term memory (and I did Level 7 over 2 years so we could spend more time with it).  I was planning on using the odd levels with my younger kids but in the meantime I found MCT and happily switched to it.  My older kids were still in high school (I think in grades 9 and 10) when I found MCT and even after having gone through all those levels of Shurley (and having completed Level 7 just the previous school year) I had to remediate them back to the Voyage level of MCT.

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