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If you've been successful at creating a rhythm to your days

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A short quiet time would be good for them. My dd could probably still use a nap.



I think my subconscious guilt ( that I'm just now realizing I have) convinced me that they shouldn't have to stay in their rooms for quiet time when I send them to school everyday.



I am just trying to bring a little bit of predictability to our days. Loose routine so that there is some predictability. They are in the morning school routine, but like I said, the afternoons fall apart. Also, I wasn't good about keeping the mornings strictly for school. I had been trying to sneak in errands and things like that because it's easier with only one kid. Then those afternoons are even crazier, because I would have to fit in DS's school work then. This week has been better, since I've kept our mornings just for school.

 I would try to take full advantage of getting as much school out of the way as you can while your twins are at preschool and then wrap things up if necessary when they nap so that way you can do appts, errands, and just get to do some fun stuff when the preschoolers are up in the afternoon.  

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Thanks for the advice!  I'm all about sleep, they sleep 7-7.  I do think they could use at least a little rest in the afternoon.  I need to brainstorm about this, there isn't really anywhere else to put them besides their room. I just think they'd be distracted and wound up anywhere else.  My room is full of things they want to play with but shouldn't.  :lol:

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My 2 youngest still take naps at 3 (4 in a couple months!) and 2. They go in their room with their special nap blankets. I turn on Mr. Roger's Neighborhood for them and they are out like lights within a few minutes most of the time, lol.


My 2yo does not sleep through the night yet. :thumbdown: Naps are essential for him. It's not uncommon for him to take 2-3 hour naps in the afternoon. Some days I give him small doses of liquid melatonin before his nap. Bad mommy, sometimes.


My 3yo sleeps about 45 min-1hr most days. He is very good about playing quietly in his room or watching tv during this time and don't think he's much longer for the nap circuit.


As far as routines. yes, I do stick to a strict one. My two older kids need routine and thrive with scheduling. They are high intensity, high needs kids, whereas #3 and #4 are really independent and easy-going. It will also help you to maintain your sanity, having your kids on a schedule. Some days will not or do not go according to plan. (The day that T flushed his foot down the toilet, the day that C decided to climb down the laundry chute at our old house, for examples.) As long as 90% of your days follow some kind of routine, you'll be better off, imo. For us, I start late. If I need to run errands, we go in the mornings and start school when we get home. I like to be done with school by no later than 2:30. That way we can go for a walk, to the park, the community center or the library before nap time.


Nap time runs from 3ish-5ish and coincides nicely with DH's return from work. If we're lucky, we sneak some alone time during quiet time or some one-on-one time with the older kids while littles finish napping. DH takes DS1 and DD to taekwondo and kids' ministry in the evenings. We have dinner when they return and herd them into bath and bed...it's busy, but if we don't stick to the routine, we feel the effects in a major way.


DS1, DD, and DS4 all have major meltdowns if we skip things or rush through them. DS2 gets all worked up if we don't go things in the afternoon. Even if the thing we do is just hang out watching a movie, he gets ticked off if he doesn't get that family time in the afternoons. 4 upset kids = Hell.

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We've always had nap time.  It's just essential with as many (small) children as I have.  DON'T FEEL GUILTY.  It's good for everyone.  My big girls actually *miss* nap when they go to grandma's.  Like today they are at grandma's - they were concerned because they wouldn't get nap time since they'd be there.  Oftentimes when they are there they'll put themselves "down" with books and a blanket and rest. :)  Yes, my mother-in-law thinks we've brainwashed them!  It makes everyone happier to have a break from each other.


I think I saw that you were concerned that they'd be in their room together…  Well, our children share rooms, but we split them up for nap time.  We gave my son (then 3.5yo) a clear boundary of the couch.  He had to stay on the couch and listen to his audiobooks, read books, whatever, until time for him to get up.  (Use a timer, a light-changing clock, whatever you have.)  It's easier to set boundaries with some kids than others.  Consistency is key, I think.  My big girls we also split up, but sometimes they want to nap on their beds (they share a room).  I will allow this so long as they're not being disruptive or fighting.  If so, like other posters, they lose this privilege.


I agree with other posters as well that this doesn't *have* to be 2 hours.  You know what would work best with your kids.  And I would definitely agree to work up to something rather than cold-turkey.  (Although you may be surprised and they may be sacked out for 2 hours!)  Although we have a 2hour nap time here, right now I need that full time for my babies to nap, and during that time I need to give some math lessons to my big girls.  Sometimes, when the weather is super nice, I have my big girls "nap" in our tree-house, or on a chair on the front porch.  Or we'll shorten nap time and go to the pool in the summer.  But we have found it better to keep some nap time, no matter if it has to be shortened, consistently to reap the greatest benefits.  And it will mean less whining - it's just how we do things. ;)

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My younger dd napped until she was 4yo, but older dd was DONE at 2. I struggled with her for another year, but she was just having none of it. Happily, she was a pretty quiet child, so I wasn't totally stressed by it, and we did have a fairly early bedtime (7 p.m.), and she slept until 7:30 or 8. Eventually, I used younger dd's nap time to read aloud to older dd.

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