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Friday's Teachers' Lounge 1-24-2013


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Happy Friday!  The Lounge is now OPEN!


Did I open the Lounge last Friday? Can't remember! If I didn't, I apologize. It had been a hectic week, especially with a trip to the 

ER, for the third time, the Monday before, along with being kept for 23 hour observation. No, they didn't find anything. However, through

my own research of my symptoms, etc, I self-diagnosed myself with the possibility of the beginning of heart disease. That being said, I have

taken the necessary measure to reverse it! I put myself on the Paleo way of eating. What that means is I DO eat: vegetables, fruits, 

meat (mostly non-processed), nuts, seeds, and natural sweeteners. I do NOT eat grain, dairy, legumes (kidney beans, pinto beans, soy, etc),

refined sugar, or artificial sweeteners.  Yep, sometimes it is a pain to eat this way, but it staves off A LOT of physical pain within my body.


Almost time for a conference call so I'm going to have to scoot.


What's happening in your world today and this weekend?


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!  I'm sorry about all the health scares.  Have you looked into supplementing with magnesium?  


I'm going to the dentist this morning.  I'm hoping that they can tell me if there is anything dental that is contributing to the sinus infection that I've had for over a month.


We were supposed to go to a wedding tomorrow but MIL's stroke has made it so that we can't travel.  


Boo, health stuff!  

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Jean, no I have not looked into that but I will.  Oh, the dentist. What fun. Hopefully they can tell you what's going on! Sorry to hear about your MIL.

Must be so frustrating for all of you! Sad you have to miss a wedding. We've had to miss a couple over the years and it really bothers me when we do.

Trying to figure out how to get to one in May.


Here's to us all getting healthier!

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Oh, yes, forgot about snacks for the Lounge today. Not sure what they are. Have to make a grocery run!

This paleo way of eating sometimes makes it confusing on what to eat for breakfast! Anyone have any ideas?

I went to a seminar on eating Paleo, done by a naturopathic doctor. She commented that she eats 85% Paleo,

15% not. That breaks down to 3 out of 21 weekly meals that aren't Paleo-specific. That will probably be lunch today

because I'm HUNGRY and we have frozen pizza in our freezer. The one I was cooking just dinged. We'll see how my body

reacts to it!


Anyone else have snacks they can share?  :)

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sorry to hear about the health scare.  I am fresh out of snacks unfortunately unless you count some questionable bananas.  They are not yellow, green, or brown.  They are what I have deemed grellow (grey/yellow.)  They never ripen yet they never really got bad until one day they are just terrible.  Its weird and its only bananas that come from a particular store!


today has been interesting.  I didn't get to sleep until 5:30am this morning (huge issue sprung up that left me thinking about it all night while I cleaned and watched Sherlock.)  the issue has not been resolved or even discussed with anyone else yet so I'm sorta in limbo.  I only got 2 and a half hours of sleep so right now I'm running off of coffee and lots of it!  Surprisingly I have not snapped at my kids today, I usually am a very grumpy person when I don't sleep.


This weekend we have 2 birthday parties and I'm hoping to get some time to myself. Maybe jsut a trip to Barnes and Noble for some coffee and an hour of reading.

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hjffkj, hope your day gets better, that you get some more sleep, that your issue gets resolved, AND that you are able to get away for at least an hour to Barnes and Noble this weekend.


Jean, when I just have eggs for breakfast, I'm still hungry an hour later. I bought some macadamia nut butter the other day but it didn't really go well with my apple slices. Going to have to figure it out!


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