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Mathematics Core Knowledge/Spectrum as Spine


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           May i introduce myself I am  Uk mother who previously  homeschooled DD1 and Ds2  until 2012.  I had home schooled from 1995 my Ds1. . So precomputer, library card, encyclopedias etc routine. Ds2   then 13 and DD1  then 11 wanted to try school.  So they enrolled in smallish local middle school for  11-16 year olds. They went had  a great time ,socially but now  ,because of financial constraints   The local education authorities are merging their school and another at Easter. Orginally this was to be in September, but to save money, and other school has been condemmed by eduction authorities they are pushing ahead with  a merger .

That is why Iam  looking for some input or direction.

             I have spent most January trying find their level in Mathematics, English (language arts) and Science

  I have found  the following problems


1. Overuse  of calculators left  them struggling in mental maths for answers they have become totallly calculator dependent.


2. Long division and multiplication non existant, large addition ,subtraction sloppy with silly mistakes.


3  What I consider basic area,geometry,money. measurements, very poor.


4 Handwriting yikes less said , it turns out hardly even wrote by hand all computer input


5 Spelling just as bad if computer did  not have spell checker.


6 Seem  they both   have mental block for most grammar ,struggling .


7 From writing decently  they are struggling  to produce paragraph on just on one topic. So writing 5-paragraph essay would be like rowing      across Alantic ocean


8  Basic  like understanding water cycle , understanding forces, classification system etc just gone.


9 Reluctance in using  books to find answers like dictionary ,or general reference books.


They are good children with good hearts but  they ,need solid  plan follow  'even when I am busy with Ds3.  I  sent them to school,   the teachers thought they were well prepared and well grounded  . What happened ?  It seems  they spent a lot time filling in worksheets or role play ( teacher off sick a lot). Yet they both  had good reports.

         If  I  go ,  back to basics could  I use something similar  to   'E,D Hirsch What your   grader needs to know as guide'; Having looked  also at Spectrum mathematics workbooks, and language arts . I have started wonder could work up grades with something similar arrangement.  I  have seen Currclick have  'Mark Twain Media' science workbooks seemed good guide if took individual topics science.

        My Dd seems to  have lost more than my Ds2.  I am  a stay home mom but also have Ds3  who is 6 ,who is homeschooled .That takes lot time as he has speech issues.    

       I am looking for straightforward sequence in mathematics., science and language arts  so they  can rebuild their  knowledge  . Spelling  and handwriting  they  will   need go back to basics .  Mark Twain Media science workbooks seemed good guide if  I,took individual topics science.
         I do need things with answer guides, I still have some resources but  they are geared if they had not foregotten so much. It seems  we have to go backwards to go forwards . Is it feasible ? Many thanks in advance for any input.

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The Great Source company has a good series of Math books. They cover all the topics with good explanations but no practice problems. Math on Call is the middle school level. They also have a science series but I have not actually seen these. They are more colorful than Core Knowledge and so may be more interesting.


You might also look at Math Clues on Currclick. It reviews elementary math with problems.



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Are you looking primarily at inexpensive workbooks that can be easily downloaded? Or are you looking for things that you think can be used at an accelerated pace?


For science I like Evan Moor Daily Science better than Mark Twain, but I'm thinking your students would be offended if they saw it. You might get away with discussing it with them, though. Unfortunately the Mr. Q sale ended a couple days ago, as that might have been an option for you.


Have the children learned cursive, or were you doing manuscript with them? If you taught them cursive, was it slanted or vertical?

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Thank you Hunter, and Smfmummy for taking the time to reply.  I have  seen ' Math Clues' looked  like  I could use. The idea' Math on  Call' with explanations looks to  be good idea. 

 Hunter downloads would be quicker for us to get up and running, so workbooks could cover first couple weeks  at least . While  I attempt to get other supplies. I think something similar to  Mr Q in specific sciences  would more use .  Instead of just  general science ,specfically Biology (Life Science) , Physics (Physical science) and Chemistry . I taught my children to write in Italic drather than Copperplate as  the writing was quicker for them to produce clear legible handwriting. Some thing akind to italic is taught in public schools in U.K.

             Here in the  U.K we have curriculum for all subjects, but  from what I, have  seen . This  is taught  I ,  find in totally unlogical sequence for Math, Language Arts, and Science with shallow knowledge not building on previous information or skills.

             I know  a couple teachers in prviate schools allthough they feel  have more freedom . They  have found many cases teaching  the same curriculum with extras  added on.   This is probaby why Galore Park took off as it, did  very logical sequence building previous skills unlike  majority material available in U.k .

            If cannot access downloads/textbooks I can make use of . The next best thing would be ,to have list of skills  to achieve in  these three subjects . The list probaby be  between grade 3-8.

           I know there  would be sub division within three subjects .  Language arts, when I was in school  English was divided into compostion,spelling ,reading and some  grammar . They do teach more grammar now in U.k .I ended up by been taught by my Mom ,who  had been taught in 1920's t01930's .  Any suggestions would be welcome,as will not be first time I have cobbled together curriculum. Many thanks again.

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The only problem with downloads of the NEW Core Knowledge eBooks is that the series is not finished. So if you are wanting to use it for a complete overview, you will be missing some topics. Most of the missing content is in the OLD 1990s 6th grade book, though, which you could take your time ordering in a hardcopy version. The OLD grade 6 is more advanced than the NEW grade 6, and contains most of the content listed in the NEW grade 7 scope and sequence of which there is no book.


Are you typing on a phone, or is English your second language? Do I need to write in shorter sentences and limited vocabulary, to make it easier for you to understand me?


Are you wanting to teach Italic manuscript or Italic cursive?


Math Mammoth is still on sale, till January 31st, 24% off. You might like the Blue (topical) series, to further supplement Spectrum Math. The Blue series is ungraded and a bit cheaper than the graded light blue series.

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If you like Galore Park, why not pick up their texts? You wouldn't have to worry about spelling/minor language usage differences and ought to be able to transition to GCSE fairly well afterwards if you completed their sequence. And since they're UK-based they'd probably arrive very quickly.

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                  Thanks again for replying again.  I own  the  following  books.  What Your First Grader Needs To Know  (1991), What Your 2nd Grade Needs To Know. (1991),What Your 3rd Grader Needs To Know (1992),  What Your 4th  Grader Needs To Know (1992),  What Your 5 th Grader  Needs To Know (1993) and What Your 6th Grader Needs To Know (1993). I have only dipped into them and used them for  reading aloud.

                  English is my first language . I am ,tryinging to type with my left hand. My right is in plaster.Whilespeaking to my husband in  Welsh. This does not  always translate back into English very well.  So when write in English ,my brain is still working in Welsh.

                  My children's mother tongue is English .    I am , looking to do review between roughly 3/4th grade to 8th grade. I, want to try ensure I do not miss out anything. . Math Mammoth along with Spectrum should cover the maths. I did think sale was only for homeschool coops. Thank telling about sale. . Finally I  have always been involved with caligraphy ,so taught children basic Italic style.


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Okay, if you already have the full old series, GO FOR IT. Seriously, the old series 1-6 is a COMPLETE overview of K-8. You can supplement topics with library books, if need be, but it's an awesome checklist for you, and often enough in itself for many topics.


Okay, good about the English. I can just write they way I normally write. If need be, I can write in a way that people who struggle with English can read easily. My normal way of writing doesn't work well in Google translator. Too much complex punctuation.


So, are you all set with handwriting, or do you need suggestions of basic Italic workbooks?


There was a sale for MM bundles at the co-op thingy, but all of MM is for sale at the Kagi website. I'm glad you found it.


For writing, when you need downloads for older students I like Write On! by Karen Newell and Spectrum Writing and Spectrum LA. Here is the link to the free Write On Teacher Manual, and a couple good lessons.


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