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Fitness gurus- help!


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How would you improve this workout?


I have half an hour I can dedicate daily. I can't do more easily, so I don't want to increase time.


I usually stretch, run 3 km (at a 6% incline, I have a treadmill), do either 50 squats or 40 burpees, lift light weights for five mins, then stretch and done.


Is there a way to maximize my time more?

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I would alternate between cardio and weights on seperate days. Do HIIT or interval training for 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday do 30 minutes of HEAVY weight lifting, using a few minutes to warm up and stretching when the workout done.

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You can maximize your time by incorporating HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) into your treadmill routine.


You can also do Tabata drills, which are a form of HIIT.  A tabata drill is 20 seconds of an exercise as intense as you can followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeat seven times for a total of eight intervals.  You can do a tabata drill followed by a couple minutes of light weights then do another tabata drill.


You can do any exercise during a tabata drill but here are some examples:

- squats

- jumping jacks

- squat jumps

- burpees

- mountain climbers

- tuck jumps

- high knees run in place

- lunges

- scissor lunge

-plyometric skater

- plyometric knee drive (this video shows a lateral movement with the back leg elevated, you can do this stationary and you can place your back foot on the floor similar to a lunge)

- quick feet toe taps on a step (stairs would work for this or even a stack of books)

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