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Have any of you used Natural Speller?


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What did you think of it? What did your dc think? Has it improved their spelling? I'm debating between Spectrum Spelling, Natural Speller or just collecting misspelled words by ds and doing the "look and see" Charlotte Mason method. I will be using this in either first or second grade.

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We used it briefly but the word lists were too easy for my bunch. I think it's a great program for the really reluctant speller. I have one not-so great speller and the words were easy for him so we put it away. We decided to continue our old spelling program til we start Spelling Wisdom in our new year.


Natural Speller contains groups of words based on their phonetic pronunciation according to grade levels. There are rules in the back of the book and daily activities suggested according to grammar, vocabulary, latin roots (upper grades), dictionary skills, etc.


Donna Young uses this program and gives suggestions on her site. HTH

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For my 4th grader, I use the 4th grade lists. Most of them are fairly short. I give a spelling quiz on the 1st list and, if he doesn't miss any, then we go to the next list on the 2nd day, for example. If he misses a word, then I have him write it down properly and then add that word to the next day's list. (He's usually finished with each grade by December / January. Then, of course, there's correcting spelling in his grammar and writing assignments, etc.)


My 9th grader started using Natural Speller in 6th grade and he was a terrible speller! He started with the 2nd grade list and did 2 grades each year. So in 6th, he did the 2nd and 3rd grade lists; in 7th, he did the 4th and 5th grade lists; in 8th, he did the 6th and 7th grade lists; and this year, in 9th, he's doing the last list - the 8th grade.


I used the same plan as I listed above for my 4th grader: 1 list a day, with any missed words written down correctly and added to the next day's list, and then correcting any misspelled words in his regular assignments.

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Thank you! Natural Speller sounds good. I'll make it a point to check it out at next year's convention in May. I guess I'll have to see what kind of speller my ds is before I make a decision.


In third or fourth I was going to switch to Spelling Power (I know, I like to plan waaay ahead :001_smile:), but if ds is a good speller (like me), why bother?


Thanks again!

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I'm using it orally with my 2nd graders this year. On the IEW lectures Andrew Pudewa recommends spelling being done orally...I can't remember why now, but it made sense to me at the time. ;) We'll probably go on to use Simply Spelling next year in 3rd grade with spelling folded into copywork and dictation. But I like Natural Spelling to see where they are and where they need work this year without adding to their writing work.

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Thanks, Kelly! So you did see improvement from your oldest with this method? My oldest (10) is a terrible speller too. We've been doing 1-2 sentences of dictation 3x a week, but I'm not sure dictation will be enough. I have Natural Speller and Sequential Spelling. I'd like to use one of them along with the dictation. Many people think SS really helps a poor speller, but the lists are so much longer. I'm more drawn to using NS, and I don't think it would take as much time.


Tanks, again!

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Natural Speller helped him tremendously!!!!


It really did. The lists are broken down by phonetic or spelling rule, so he learns to understand why certain words are spelled as they are.


With other spelling programs, it was just lists of unrelated words...and that made no sense to him.


Also, the lists are fairly short, so it helps him to pay attention!

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