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I didn't get anything weird (yet. We still have to do Christmas with my parents this weekend.) but MIL gave ds another travel Yahtzee game. This is the third year in a row she has given him travel Yahtzee, plus she gave him one for his birthday last August. She's not that old, but she does have several grandkids. She must just get confused about whom she has given it to over the years.

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My weirdest was a copy of Rush Revere, which I gather is some colonial history book written by Rush Limbaugh? Came from a well-meaning uncle who I suspect wanted to hook me up with a homeschool resource. Anyway, I can't open my mind enough to get past the odd egotistical picture of Rush's head on some colonial figure's body on the cover to open it. Shudder.


I'd happily send it to any of you more open minded than me. LOL

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This year from my dad, I got what appears to be a set of mini pitchforks. Apparently I should be using them to to turn a turkey over.


My funniest gift ever was from a group of my elementary school students in Poland. They pooled their money and on their own went and bought a mug for me at a local shop. They were so earnest when they presented it to me... What they didn't realize was that it was an 'adult' gift featuring hundreds of colorful little phalluses covering it and saying (in Polish) "you are my big cup" which has a slightly naughty meaning that the kids didn't get. Anyway, I thanked them profusely and later laughed and laughed.

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