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HWT Lowercase Letter practice using ZB


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I've been googling and googling and coming up short.  I love HWT, but I do not like their double-line they use for lowercase letters.  Mine are confused by it and never know where they should start their bs and ds, and ts, and any other tall letter.  


Also, I really wish they had figured out a way to somehow incorporate those lower case letters in the same gray boxes they use for the capital letters...those gray boxes are so helpful!  


I'm looking for some kind of printable that incorporates HWT font (not ZB stick and ball font) for lowercase letters, using the boxes they use for capital letters.  Bonus if the ZB three lines is incorporated.  

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My son also had trouble with not having a top line. I'm afraid I can't help you with a printable, but I just wanted to offer thatswitching to traditional three-line paper helped a ton. I just write my own copy work (or the copy work from WWE) on it. I did find that I needed to use the ZB 3rd grade paper to match the HWT sizing, as the first and second grade paper's lines wre too tall.

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Yeah, I did just switch both of my bigs over to regular three-lined paper, and that was fine, but I'm starting to see a real need in the oldest's handwriting, for her to go back and do some practice.  Even my 2nd oldest, while his handwriting is pretty neat (usually), I can see that he would benefit from a review of the lowercase letters. 


What we've been doing is...I print out their spelling words on three lined paper (from the printer, using a font I have that adds the three lines) and they have to do them as copywork on Wednesdays...that's their handwriting practice.  But it's not enough I don't think.


And now, my 5 yr old is halfway through HWT, and will be starting lowercase letters soon enough and I'd like for him to have more practice with the lowercase letters before I switch him to the three lined paper.


I think I might just make my own Word doc.  Was hoping to find something though.  


I'm surprised at how difficult its been to find...I can't imagine I'm the only one that would love HWT even more if they offered a way to practice those lowercase letters within the guidelines of the box.  

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I LOVE the way HWT teaches letters but my DD also got hung up on the two line thing with lowercase letters. Out of frustration I switched from HWT to ZB and the transition was very smooth. I wish I had done it earlier. I didn't find ZB to be much different from HWT in terms of letter formations. I am now teaching my DS using HWT but I plan on putting him in ZB when he starts Kindergarten in the fall. 

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Yes, this will sound incredibly stupid, but what is "three line paper"?


We just finished HWT orange book and I want him to start practicing in a "regular" notebook, but not sure which one to use. 



Not stupid at all!!!  I'm probably using the wrong terms for it.  Its the paper with the blue top line, blue bottom line, and the red dotted mid-line.


I ended up creating HWT sized boxes with a midline in the center.  We'll use that for practicing and to transition to lined paper.  

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