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AG and/or R&S users...Anyone abandon this:o((??


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We are in Unit 4 and I am really starting wonder if I made the right decision here. At first everything seemed to make sense such as the pronouns function as adjectives and we don't just label them pronouns b/c they're in our "mind" list. However, I am feeling like now we are not getting the "teaching" part that we got in R&S. We levels 2, 3 and 4 of R&S. Often I am stumped with labeling a word and find myself getting lost since I am not participating in the book like I did as the teacher in R&S. DD said just the morning that she is guessing at some of the words too.


So, do I take a chill pill and proceed or re-evaluate my decision:confused: I also chose Flashkids Language Arts for my 2nd and 3rd grader and my 2nd grader is SO LOST. I am about ready to trash those little workbooks as I feel like they are a waste. I suppose I should have stuck with R&S since it was "working" for the oldest. I also reckon I should have done the boys in R&S 2 together.


Any admonishments or encouragements for me?? I am planning to start IEW-SWI B with my 6th grader in a few weeks after AG Season 1 was over. I was going to try and include the boys in the KWO "some".


This seems to be a double post since I have multiple questions and for that I am sorry!!!!!


Thanks for reading,


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After 1 week we are changing everything too, but only because "I" didn't investigate and do my homework before deciding on English for my oldest 4. I was using R&S 3, 5, 7, and 8 with dc ages 8, 10, 12, and 14. It has been disastorous. I had no idea that R&S was that far ahead in grade levels; so I am having to place everyone in a different book. So we are going to be doing R&S 2/8yr, 3/10yr, 5/12yr, and I have no idea what to do with ds/14.


If I were you I would go back to R&S for the oldest since it was working. Don't fix what ain't broke...imo. Your 2nd and 3rd graders could easily work through FLL 1/2 together, which would cut down on the workload for you or you can do what you said and put them in R&S 2 together.

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I keep one step ahead of my dd while doing JAG. So far I have found it pretty easy. Yes, I have to think sometimes because they will introduce different sentence structures, just to challenge you.


A key part of AG, in my opinion, is to make up the flash cards, then use them in following the process. For example with AG/JAG it is really important to find adjectives before prepositions, because some words that are prepositions can function as adjectives. By marking adjectives first you know all the rest are prepositions. In the end I made some flash cards for my dd and numbered them in the order that you are supped to do things.


Though I will admit that adverbs are giving me a hard time. At least the figuring out what the modify so that I can diagram it right. :001_huh:


I wonder if part of the problem you are having isn't because they approach things differently? R&S is a traditional find the subject and predicate first program, while AG eliminates the prepositional phrases before finding those. I mean if she learned a particular order before she might be working through the sentences in a different order. Just throwing out possibilities.


Is it possible that the sentences in AG leave more room for questions?


In the end I think you have to use what works for you. If that is R&S then go for it!



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Thanks gals!


I like the ideas of flashcards. She did mention the other day how easy it was to determine the subject/predicate b/c she had learned that in R&S.


I did get a little put out with the end of R&S 4. I didn't feel like all that STUFF was necessary. I bought and resold R&S 5 after I learned about AG. So, I am at a loss. I will create some cards and talk about this procedure with her.


Thanks for the tip!


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Hi Barb,


We are in Season 2 of AG. I love AG. I had no problem (neither did ds) with Season 1. I find that in Season 2, I need to study a bit more beforehand. I even give myself the tests first to make sure *I* can explain things.


As I look back at Unit 2 on Pronouns and Unit 3 on Prepositions, I see that pronouns look difficult. We never memorized all of them. We don't even have to flip back to look at them much. Most of the time, if a pronoun is used in a sentence, it is clearly taking the place of a noun. I flip back to look at prepositions more.


Also, being able to identify some of those pronouns (ex. more, several, each) IRL isn't all that necessary, imo.


So, I encourage you to press on. Finish the first 10 weeks, and start working on the review every 2 weeks. You will probably be surprised at how well your dd does.


However, if your dd is really struggling, I would encourage you to join the AG yahoo group. Erin Karl, the author's daughter, is great at responding to questions. I seem to remember someone asking about struggles in Season 2 and she said that if they are getting a certain grade on the tests to just continue on. The yahoo group is:



HTH! :grouphug:


ETA: I don't have any experience with R&S. I do have some experience with Shurley Grammar, where there is a LOT of repetition from year to year. I don't know if R&S is like that. I don't think that AG would be the best program for a student who needs a LOT of repetition from year to year.

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I was hoping you would post since we've chatted about AG before:) I will press on and re-evaluate when we finish Season 1.


I guess there is a learning curve like with MUS and like I antcipate IEW is going to be.


I always have a "melt down" with "something":lol:at the beginning of every year. Last year it was SL overload as I tried to do 2 Cores. The year before was MUS with my youngest (big flop as he was too immature for school altogether). Hmmm, I think it was a grammar melt down three years ago too.


Oh well, perhaps a bad day too as I had issues with 3rd born and even questioned why I homeschool them when I could have the house to myself;)


Thanks for the responses!


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Actually we started AG last year and we were so busy that we dropped it and went to just using Switched on Schoolhouse for a time.


This year were picking up and starting AG again... Previously we did JAG. I had to work along with my son to learn...he is actually better at parsing and diagramming than me...:bigear:


The order is very important...I also recommend asking on the email loop. I didn't see how old your child was. JAG was a nice intro...the lessons move along a bit slower and have more detail. Jag covers I think, the first 10 lesson of AG...


Dont give up on it...AG is meant to be much more independently done than Rod and staff, thus you dont get the same teacher book/style. It is written to the student.

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Thanks Donna,

DD is 12 and in the 6th grader. She is an above average kid who was doing her R&S 2 independently in 2nd grade!!!!! Poor first borns:o)


You know someone recommended that I start with JAG but I didn't listen. I'm going to educate myself this weekend and go from there. I don't want to spend anymore $$$ since I've invested 120 bucks thus far.


Thanks for the advice!


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