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Using The Creative Writer 1 and Writing With Skill 2


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Thanks to PHP's 40% off sale on Cyber Monday, I bought WWS2 for DD to use next year (7th grade), and the sale also meant that I was able to get TCW1, which I had been debating about. DD is a decent writer, doing well with WWS1, although it's not her favorite subject. So, if you have used both of these together, could you tell me how it worked in actuality? Did you use both on the same day (I don't see this being a hit with her at all)? Did you do four lessons of one, alternating with four lessons of the other (I am leaning this way)? Or something else?

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It's set up so that you do WWS 4 days a week and then CW once a week.  We did WWS M-Th and CW on Friday, although we dropped CW after a few weeks - dd found it kind of dry and uninspiring.  But you can easily do it just once a week, so if you school 5 days a week it shouldn't be a big problem to combine them.

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It's set up so that you do WWS 4 days a week and then CW once a week. We did WWS M-Th and CW on Friday, although we dropped CW after a few weeks - dd found it kind of dry and uninspiring. But you can easily do it just once a week, so if you school 5 days a week it shouldn't be a big problem to combine them.

Oh. Somehow I missed that in my very quick glance; I just saw "week 1" and didn't realize it was only one day. That's perfect! We do school 5 days a week, but sometimes every subject doesn't get done every day, so this year, I just have it looping around so that she does Lessons 1-4 of one week and then starts on Lesson 1 of the next week whenever she does writing next, whatever day of the week that happens to be. So it should be no problem to do four lessons of WWS and then a lesson from CW.



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Oh. Somehow I missed that in my very quick glance; I just saw "week 1" and didn't realize it was only one day. That's perfect! We do school 5 days a week, but sometimes every subject doesn't get done every day, so this year, I just have it looping around so that she does Lessons 1-4 of one week and then starts on Lesson 1 of the next week whenever she does writing next, whatever day of the week that happens to be. So it should be no problem to do four lessons of WWS and then a lesson from CW.




That's such a smart way to do it . . . we also found that some of the WWS lessons took two days, so not being strictly married to finishing in one week takes off a lot of the pressure.

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Because we tend to do academics on a 4 day week leaving the 5th open for outside activities & catch-up, we used WWS1 through the school year & are using TCW 1 this summer. That's the plan, before we knew we were moving. Ha, so once we unpack & pull it out that's our goal. He's EAGER to do creative writing so it's not like a summer school thing, it's a "I want to because I love it" thing. ;)

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