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Another what do I want for Christmas thread


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So, my husband spent too much time buying himself things with his Christmas money (from my parents) to have thought about what to get me (and he insists that I have something) to get me something that I really want (etsy jewelry).  I'm a little ticked.  I don't like buying things to buy something.  So, if you know of something I should want for Christmas, let me know!  Haha!  Just a little irritated!  We do have amazon prime.  I like cute fun rings/pendants.  My problem with rings is I'm solidly a 6.5 which can be tricky.

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So it's just a time issue?


He needs to pick out and buy the etsy jewelry.  Print out a picture to wrap and stick under the tree.  Extend the holiday buy "receiving" the gift you want - twice! Once when you open the box, and a second time when it arrives after Christmas. Win, win. LOL



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I totally agree ripley. He is being lame and wants to impress my grandma and aunt who will be here and wants me to have something good (in his opinion, my something good would be a picture of what I want with a coming soon right next to it too!).


If my dh said he wanted to impress someone else with the gift he gives me instead of getting me the gift I wanted late I would not help him pick something out to get me.  I'd be pissed that he cared more about impressing them than getting me what I wanted and allowing it to be late.  I would even refuse to open it in front of them or wear it while they were visiting.  I may even refuse the gift entirely because he shopping for my family and not for me.


I think you should just buy yourself a nice piece of jewelry you really like and not allow him to be a part of your gift to yourself.

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