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would you cook for this child?


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My 10 year old is an early riser. He gets his own snack to tide him over before I am back from my workout more often than not. Anyone who is sleeping when I make breakfast can refer to the menu on the wall and help themselves to whatever is leftover from that morning or grab a snack from the snack trough (which is just a long dish on the table I fill with nuts, dried fruit, apples and miscellany). If someone wants something specific, the time to ask for it is when the menu was made. I include each person's favorite about once a week and the rest of the time it is some variation on oatmeal or homemade quickbreads/muffins or eggs with or w/o veg and fruit.


All of this is my long winded way of saying that I think you made the right decision. And the only time I could see saying yes to this request for my older son (or anyone for that matter) is if he woke up after being sick and had his appetite back for the first time. That has never happened though, because he has an iron strong immune system.

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