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A question for those who have used BJU DVDs

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Do you get any money back when you send the DVDs back at the end of the year? It seems like an awful expensive rental fee so I wondered if maybe they gave you some of that back since they call it a lease but I can't seem to find it mentioned anywhere. There are a couple classes I would like to do but I'm not sure about spending that kind of money.



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I have my oldest dd using a BJ DVD science course this year and have been very pleased with it. I too thought that $399 was expensive, but actually it isn't any different than the local homeschool coop. To pay for the lab and class I would have to pay $400 in tuition for the year, plus the books.


The $399 gives me the class, labs, and books. Plus I don't have to run her the 20 miles into town for the class. It is all just a matter of perspective and what your other options are.


Yvonne in NE

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and it was wonderful for us, as I taped many, many classes. I was caring for an ailing/terminal FIL and had no idea how much I'd be able to do with three children in their high school years. I popped in and out tapes every day on a very strict schedule. Not much fun, but economical compared to paying for every course individually. I taped everything we could want (and more) in two years and a summer.


If I were only interested in a couple of courses, by golly, I'd never tape. I'd do the DVDs and call it good.


Many, many things can go wrong with taping, everything from short power outages, to bad reception, to unexplained signal failures on their end. (They send you an email notification, and if you have paid for the course registration, they will replace your lessons.) At one point, I realized that nothing had taped for three days. (They had to send me lessons, as it was a software glitch in the receiver.) At the very end of my 2.25 years of taping, literally with only two weeks to go, we had a lightning strike that fried my dish and receiver. It was cheaper to order dvd lessons for the last two weeks, so that's what we have in the boxes. :)


I hope my missive helps you decide what to do.


BTW, we found that most all the courses were good, but the high school grammar and lit teacher (9th and 10th full year, but just the grammar portion of 11th and 12th) and the physics teacher were not worth our time. We'll do something else with my next two students.

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