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Calling Dr. Hive...I'm ITCHY!

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I woke up this morning and the palms of my hands were itching. After I got up, my toes started itching as well. It went away after a while, and now it's BACK. I'm trying to figure out if it's pregnancy related or something I ate. I'm not allergic to any foods I know of, and my skin is not usually sensitive. There is no rash or dry skin.



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Oh no, I'm sorry. I had a mysterious bout of insane itching a few months ago--it migrated from my legs to my arms to my palms to just about anywhere it felt like going. I thought I was going to lose my mind. I had just finished a round of Amoxicillin for something else, and my family doctor thought it could have been an allergic reaction to that. But testing at the allergist was negative; he (allergist) said that sometimes there is no obvious reason for hives.


Can you take Benedryl? I can't remember if that's a no-no during pregnancy or not, but that (and similar medicines) helped control the itch until it finally went away a couple of days later.


Hope you get some relief soon. Itchy palms are the worst! :(

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My liver enzymes were up during my pregnancy with dd. They tested and found that out after I mentioned to the doctor that I was itching--the palms of my hands and soles of my feet--so badly that it would wake me up at night. They worried about cholestasis, but my enzymes returned to normal in two weeks and the itching went away. My OB said it could have just been a virus that affected my liver in this way.


I'd mention it to your OB or midwife. There is also a pregnancy related problem called PUPPPs that causes itchiness. I don't think it causes complications, just terrible itchiness. BTW--Sarna lotion helped me some with the itching.

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