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what can I do with 3 lbs of no-longer-frozen peaches?

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They were left out overnight. Still cold, but definitely thawed.


I'm thinking puree? For future ice cream use? I don't think I can re-freeze as they're starting to get oozey.


Please advise.


Thanks, folks.


Nicole (Who is not frustrated with her spouse and who would never, ever dream of breaking any board rules expressing that frustration anyway, were she frustrated. :banghead: )

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I'd puree them and refreeze them to use for syrup.


We also make peach hot sauce.


I think that refreezing them only affects the texture - they'd still be safe to eat. (but someone please correct me if I'm wrong).


Would you puree them with sugar, or straight?


That's what I was thinking, about the texture and safety. But we eat practically anything around here.

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They were left out overnight. Still cold, but definitely thawed.


I'm thinking puree? For future ice cream use? I don't think I can re-freeze as they're starting to get oozey.


Please advise.


Thanks, folks.


Nicole (Who is not frustrated with her spouse and who would never, ever dream of breaking any board rules expressing that frustration anyway, were she frustrated. :banghead: )


I'd make two nice big peach cobblers, and freeze one for later. The other you can enjoy tonight for a delicious dessert!

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You could make a few pies, use the peaches in the filling, and freeze them either baked or unbaked. (My preference is unbaked, because it makes the crust so nice and crisp!!)


They would still be fine in smoothies, too, if you decide to just refreeze them. I would probably mark them as "for smoothies only" and use them up that way.


I can't imagine that you would have any safety issues. And as long as they're cooked or pureed, you shouldn't really have texture issues.

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I'd make two nice big peach cobblers, and freeze one for later. The other you can enjoy tonight for a delicious dessert!


Good idea!


These pieces are in wedges. Would I need to slice them thinner, or can I toss them in as is? The idea of slicing those gooey wedges is not appealing to me....


Oh! But I could get the spousal unit to do it!

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They would still be fine in smoothies, too, if you decide to just refreeze them. I would probably mark them as "for smoothies only" and use them up that way.


Okay, I'm feeling much, much better now. I bought them for smoothies, and those darned things, local, organic, were awfully pricey.


Thanks, everyone!

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Good idea!


These pieces are in wedges. Would I need to slice them thinner, or can I toss them in as is? The idea of slicing those gooey wedges is not appealing to me....


Oh! But I could get the spousal unit to do it!


Depends on the size of the wedges. I'd say they should be no thicker than maybe 1/8 to 1/6 of a whole peach? That way they would cook through more easily.



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