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I have 10 teachers to buy for this Christmas season. Somebody shoot me now!


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I don't get Christmas gifts for my kids' teachers.

I don't either, BUT my sister and mother who were teachers always LOVED to buy teacher supplies but had to take it out of their own pockets and so were rarely able to. If I had the $ to give a gift I would buy a giftcard to the local teacher supply store. I know it sounds almost insensitive, but it's what my mom/sister would have wanted.

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I tutor several students and while I love each and every one of them and appreciate their gestures, I really cannot eat cookies from all of them at the same time. They each give me homemade sweets the last day before break and that leaves me with way too many cookies or snack blends that have to be eaten soon...or maybe some could be frozen. 


I can't imagine having 30+ students giving me crafts, cookies, or other such things all at once.  I'd be overwhelmed!  


It's a sweet gesture to give your kids' teachers gifts but I'd rather just have a heartfelt thank you- whether it's a note or a verbal thank you. I get paid to do what I do and the gift giving reminds me of the goofy tipping culture in this country- which I HATE. 

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I'll add the millionth vote for a gift certificate (Starbucks and bookstores were my favorite, and small $$ cards to either location are useable without spending any/much additional money).


Thank you notes (from the student OR the parent) are also good, although I traditionally received more of those at the end of the school year.


An all time favorite gift of mine was a small plate of cookies with the recipe attached.  These cookies were famous around the school, and you knew you were a favorite teacher when you got the recipe!


I also loved receiving pens with the silly flowers on top (usually made by the students - fake flowers + florists tape).  I kept them in a flowerpot painted by a former student for all those kids who "forgot" any writing utensils when coming to class.  ("But I didn't KNOW we'd need something to write with...")


A single cupcake or a small box of chocolates from a local bakery (we had one student that brought candy apples... loved getting one of those!).



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