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While looking for a new Crockpot, I ran across this nifty contraption:




What is neat about it is that it doesn't require things to be plugged in while heating.


So, when I go to our potlucks that don't start for an hour or two after arrival, it could continue to be heated but not need an outlet.


Anyone have one?  Try it?


Now, it also seems that there used to be something similar on an infomercial about 10 years ago.  You could make it/start making it, and then it had a guy strapping it on to his motorcycle as he transported his dish an hour or more away to leave with his sick friend.  Anyone remember if that was the same thing as this or similar?


Just adding more things I didn't know I needed to my list.



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Corrected.....sheesh, I was still on the hand mixer thread.


I see that it is basically an insulated cooking device.


The infomercial I was looking for was for the Aircore Cookware System and I guess the company has gone defunct because I can't find it online other than a mention anymore.  But it was a pan/pot not a bag.



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Now I can see it. :)


It sounds like a glorified insulated lunch bag. I'm not sure I would trust it to do the actual "cooking" for me, and it doesn't eliminate the nuisance of having to heat the food on the stove before you put it in the bag, so I would think that the only possible benefit might be that it might prevent food from overcooking, since it wouldn't be fully cooked when you put it in the bag, but I would be worried about things ending up undercooked which would be worse, and maybe even make people sick.


I could be wrong, but I'm not loving that thing. I can imagine it having quite a learning curve to get it to work properly, and it also adds one more thing to wash, because at least with a crockpot, you don't always have to pre-cook stuff in another pan before you can use it.


I hope someone here has one, so you can get some input on it.

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