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When You Need to Teach History and Science Separate...


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It has become obvious to me that my oldest 2 need to be separated in all of their school work. Everything becomes a competition to my oldest, and not in a good way. As much as it is easier for me to teach them together when it comes to science and history, it is just not working.


I would love to have something that I could teach them the same topic, but each at their own level and with their own activities/reading/assignments. I would love to do American history if possible.


If that doesn't exist, for those of you that teach your children completely separate in all subjects, what do you use? We don't have a huge budget so it can't be too pricey but I would love some suggestions. Thanks so much!

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We are together in history but separate in science. I started out going with Chemistry and just using different materials at their levels, but ultimately it was a lot of prep work and I ended up with one boxed program and one that I need to print/cut/gather materials to use. That means they are not on the same "track" as recommended in WTM, but for grammar and logic stages I don't think that really matters and both kids are enjoying their science and getting it done.

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It has become obvious to me that my oldest 2 need to be separated in all of their school work. Everything becomes a competition to my oldest, and not in a good way. As much as it is easier for me to teach them together when it comes to science and history, it is just not working.


I would love to have something that I could teach them the same topic, but each at their own level and with their own activities/reading/assignments. I would love to do American history if possible.


If that doesn't exist, for those of you that teach your children completely separate in all subjects, what do you use? We don't have a huge budget so it can't be too pricey but I would love some suggestions. Thanks so much!


Story of the World might work for you. You could read aloud or listen to the audio book as a family, then use the activity guides to plan separate history assignments. The AGs include page numbers for the Usborne History book and well as Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. Put your oldest in Kingfisher. Do the WTM Logic suggestions of outlining and writing short reports from the book. Your younger child can use the Usborne book and do the WTM grammar suggestions. I'm sorry, I can't think of a workable American history spine, but SOTW vol. 3 and 4 do cover American history.


Elemental science is an option for science. You could have your oldest do the logic stage biology while your younger child does the grammar stage biology. My 10 year old did the logic stage biology with his sister last year, and he was able to complete all of the reading and some of the writing. I'm not certain how the grammar and logic line up, but I was able to rearrange the logic biology units successfully last year.



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History Odyssey is working *fantastically* for us -- Level 2 for the 11yo and Level 1 for the 8yo.  Kingfisher and Story of Mankind for the 11yo and SOTW, Usborne, and Child's History of the World for the 8yo.  The best part?  With me out of the equation (they read to themselves), the two of them discuss the topics with each other, and there's no competition, just "hey, that's cool, I just read about that too."



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I don't know if you're interested, but Winter Promise has a programme called All American 1 & 2.. It covers grades 1-7. There are things for different grades in there. So, if your 10 year old is a strong reader & writer he could spend the year reading the books on his own {or to the younger} & writing a newspaper {ie reports, but it's done as if he were a newspaper reporter} while your younger son could be doing the crafts. There's so many things to do in there that you could split it up so they each do their own things. Just a thought..


When I need to separate my children I tend to read it all aloud at one time, but then separate them for answer time. For instance, I might do a history reading & then send the eldest away with the notes I requested he took to review them & go over what he wants to write about. While he does that I help my younger with what needs doing with his notes. 

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I try to keep my boys together for science and history by topic. This year I'm doing two different time periods. Mainly because my oldest wanted AmHist and my youngest was ready Ancients. But they are together for science. 


SOTW and History Odyssey are the easiest curricula I've found to do at different levels. My oldest is working with Hakim's books for AmHist. So far those three resources are my hands down favorite for history. Plenty of activities, extra reading booklists, maps, timelines, and so on. I'm the type of person that needs options, and these books work great. 


I've also been considering K12 Human Odyssey for the older ds. 

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