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ToG Online Classes?

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Has anyone's student used Tapestry's online dialectic or rhetoric classes?  Do you feel they were of a high quality and worthwhile? I'd love feedback on teacher/student and student/student interaction, work load, how much teacher feedback students receive, any papers/essays, etc.


My boys have done Omni I Primary online and are doing Omni II Primary online with VP,  so they're used to a heavy reading load. I'm wondering if ToG online would be another possibility for high school.  (I know the Omni/TOG years do not match up exactly.)


Thanks in advance for any thoughts!


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My ds is on his second Dialectic class.  There is a difference in teacher's and what they expect.  For example, his teacher last year (Skidmore) had them do projects such as power point reports.  She also gave a bit more feedback about how they were doing.  This year, not as much but there is a lot of class interaction overall and ds has accountability with someone else.  They don't use all the questions from the  dialectic activity pages, but pick and choose.  Overall I've been pleased with the class.  It gives ds outside accountability and discussion.  Ds says he enjoys the class better than his potter's school class because it's different each week what they discuss.  I'll most likely keep doing them.  I only wish they would combine the writing component with either history or literature.  





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