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Wordless Wednesday 10.30

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I'm always afraid someone else has already started the threads for this. From now on, I'm going to post on the general board. :) That way, I know where to look. I'm 7 hours ahead of eastern time zone, so I'm often a bit ahead.


My Yamaha clavinova broke, so we had to figure out how to get it to Johannesburg for repair. I'll be worried until it gets back safe and sound. :crying:


And here are some of my thoughts on Ruth Beechick's book A Biblical Home Education.

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Yeah - I always have the same fear.  I usually search the forums for "wordless" to see if there is one out there.


I started a thread earlier today on the chat board.  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/492836-wordless-wednesday-10-30-13-for-word-loving-bloggers-too/  My un-thought-out reasoning for plopping it there was that I don't think WW qualifies for any of the education boards because we aren't usually posting about school.  


Anyone else have a vote as to where WW should live on the boards?

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I have one up today. It is my attempt at playing a game my son made on Scratch.  :D


I don't care which board we post to. It has always been on an education board because Wordless Wednesday posts have been up for a long time, before the Chat board was created. I do see the logic of putting it on the chat board though.  :)

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