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One of Those Great Days

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We have talked about burn out lately.  I thought I would post about today since it was just one of those great homeschool days.  We got a lot done.  We did projects.  We read lots of books.  We snuggled in the living room for hours reciting, reading, studying, enjoying each other, drinking hot chocolate.  It was just wonderful!  I am bursting to share it.


We had co-op in the morning.  DD11 had art class where they learned about Picasso and did a cool cubist project. DD9 had her science class. Both girls had PE and Latin there (latin with me.) We usually have an afternoon class later, but today it was cancelled, so we got the pleasure of an unexpected afternoon at home.  Usually we use the bit of time between morning and afternoon classes to finish up what has to be done for the week but today we had time for so much more. 


We came home and first worked on their latin assignments while it was fresh in their heads.   We followed up with reading on Picasso for the younger child that is not in the class.  We recited our Art Cards we are memorizing.  Then we moved to Astronomy.  Since dd9 covered the moon today in her science class she filled us in on what she learned.  Then I read to them from a couple of books on the topic.  Then both read on their own from their science encyclopedias and wrote a narration.  We recited our memorywork from MP's Astronomy and filled in some workbook pages there.  Then I read aloud from Greek myths to go along with the astronomy constellation we are studying.   


For history we all worked on our memory lists, and I FINALLY started SOTW 2, which is our history for the year, after spending the last 2 mos. finishing vol. 1.  So dd9 started her history notebook and did the map and color pages.  We started a timeline book for her which she decorated after putting in the first card.  DD11 read from her book on Charlemagne and the Early Middle Ages while we were working on this.


Then we finished up w/a cool art project using pastels, paint, and glitter to make bright planetary nebulae in space. They turned out beautifully. 


I just had to share what a wonderful day we had.  Of course I should mention that dn4 spent the day with her dad.  Makes things a bit easier :)  We love our co-op classes, but today was awesome.

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