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Ugh. Dealing with doctor's offices!


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I don't even know what my question is.... I went to the doctor a few weeks ago because I was having heart palpitations, both a racing heartbeat and where it felt like it was skipping a beat. I'm in my first trimester, so I thought it might be related to that. (My ob said it wasn't and sent me to my regular doc) I just saw the doctor who could get me in the fastest, who happened to be filling in one day a week because the office is so short handed. I didn't know she wasn't usually at that office. She sent me to have a holter monitor test and an ultrasound of my heart. When I went back for my follow up, she only had the results of the ultrasound which found that I did have a slight problem with a valve, but it was not a big deal. I had absolutely no symptoms while wearing the holter monitor for 48 hours, so I was sure that it would come back fine. (In fact, I was kicking myself for even taking the test because it's expensive and even though I had a couple weeks of symptoms, they seemed to have cleared up) Well, her nurse called me on Tuesday and said that they had gotten the results and that they were NOT normal and I needed to see a cardiologist. She said I had several episodes of (I think she said SVT, but I was sortof in shock, so I could be wrong) She told me she would start the referral process. I have not heard back about an appointment with the cardiologist. Today, I get a call from another nurse from the same office, calling on behalf of a different doctor. She said "Megan" had my test results and they were fine, but if I was still having symptoms I could do another test. I said I was confused and asked if "Megan" was the first name of the doc I had seen. No, it was a different doc. I told her I was confused because dr. S's nurse had called and told me the results were not normal. I assume this happened because my results were at the office where the doc I saw was only there once/week and so this doc was handling paperwork associated with Dr. S?!?! I really have no idea though. She didn't either. I called Dr. S's regular office, but no one called me back. I also would have thought that the results from the holter monitor would have been read by a cardiologist in the first place and not open to interpretation by the regular doc?!?!? If you got this far, thanks for reading.....any insight would be appreciated!

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