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Quick dinner help, please?


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DH's CFO is coming to dinner.  Tonight, late (cultural norm for him).  He eats like a bird apparently, we are keeping this mellow and easy.  Roasted chicken, sauteed green beans and red peppers cooked in wine.  We had planned a light fruit salad with yogurt as something sweet, and of course, espresso to follow.


We are a one car family, and DH has the car (picking up CFO, who's flying in from France).  


I am cutting up the fruit from the fruit salad... and... ugh.  DH picked up the strawberries yesterday and they are moldy inside the carton.  YUCK.  He couldn't find blueberries, apparently, but I didn't notice till today.  Eek.  Striking out here.


So... For the fruit, we have only pineapple and blackberries.  I have some clementines and apples, but had not planned on those for the fruit salad.  The yogurt is coconut milk yogurt, FWIW, as we are dairy free here.  


What can I do with this combination?  Or should I chuck the whole idea of something sweet since I doubt he's going to care anyway?  

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I would just mix the pineapple and blackberries without the yogurt.  As you suspect it's not a big deal to him to have something sweet, I wouldn't use the other fruit you have.  If you are really concerned it will be too sparse, use an apple too.  It would be nice to offer something, though. 

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Apples are in season and very American. I would probably do something with them:

-apple crisp (sounds really good to me right now and I know how to make it, so I would probably do that)

-baked apples (I've never done them so probably wouldn't risk it)

-home made applesauce

-apple salad (we do this by dicing 3 apples which are mixed with ~1 cup yogurt with a bit of cinnamon stirred in. My friend adds raisins; we don't. If you're anxious to use the yogurt, this would work).

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