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If You've Used FLVA (FLorida Virtual Academy), How Did You Like It?

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My older kiddos used a bit of it and it was ok for them. My oldest dd had to drop the Spanish II as she didn't feel it had enough instruction. Last year dd13 started the year with their math. At first it went pretty good but after about a month she started to struggle. Now with all fairness, I think it was more her teacher than anything. She was always going out of town and when dd13 would get stuck it would take her 3-4 days to get back with her. The presentation of the program seemed ok. One of my closest friends has a daughter who is just now 16. Unfortunately, Mom, didn't do a great job of instruction. Her daughter chose FLVS complete last year and did awesome! She is doing it complete again this year and says it is great!

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My now 7th grader did well in a few FLVS classes last year.  He is an Aspie and the digital interaction was great for him. We opted out of it this year, though we positively did had a good experience with it, primarily to decrease screen time.


My son had some very, very good teachers.  His only struggle was in the oral DBAs (Discussion based assessments, AKA oral exam).  He has auditory memory issues which reared its ugly head during a Math DB. I would ask him to write down whatever question the teacher was asking him but you could just see his anxiety mounting, then he would shut down. And he did meander off into the internet between lessons, so to cut down on screen time while I have his younger siblings home this year homeschooling, we opted out of it. He enjoyed 6th grade Math, Science, Reading, Keyboarding, and Digital photography. We dropped History and Language Arts because they were not good fits for him, however a friend's son is excelling in those 2 classes! 

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