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Excelsior College, Thomas Edison College

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Along the same vein as the CollegePlus thread...


We aren't planning to use CollegePlus, but are thinking about CLEP testing in order to get an Associate's, or possibly Bachelor's from Excelsior or Thomas Edison.  


Has anyone gotten degrees from either of these colleges?  If so, were you able to get into another college of your choice with these?  I know they are accredited, and that is the main thing most people are concerned about.  I'm wondering if diplomas from these colleges are looked down upon by admissions in other colleges, since they accept credit by exam.



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Are you talking about getting an associates and then transferring to another college for a Bachelor's or getting a Bachelor's and transferring to another school for a Masters/Doctorate/etc.?


I have two degrees from Thomas Edison.  I went there after attending other schools, partially because they would accept more of my credits and I was a single mom working full-time so needed an online option.  I finished both degrees with a mix of testing and online classes.  


After getting my associates but before getting a bachelor's from TESC, I did return to a state school for a completely different degree (Elementary Education).  The school did accept the relevant credits from TESC but I also had a lot of credits from other universities.  Since I had an associates degree and was considered a "second degree" student, I didn't have to take a lot of the general education credits.  I ended up not finishing that degree but returning to TESC for a Business degree.

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{Are you talking about getting an associates and then transferring to another college for a Bachelor's or getting a Bachelor's and transferring to another school for a Masters/Doctorate/etc.?}


Considering both.


Have you had your degree from TESC considered to be less than valid by anyone?


It's just that I heard a while ago that some universities don't consider a degree from Excelsior, done by credit by exam,  to be a "real" degree.  I have researched these schools thoroughly and everything seems 100% legitimate.  I'm just wondering if anyone else has experience with it.  Getting an associate's or bachelor's from Excelsior or TESC this way will fit very well into the way we homeschool and our educational plans, so we're very interested in it.

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You are going to meet the same transfer issues that you would with credits from any University. Some will transfer some won't. Having your degree accepted only matters if you are thinking of graduate level work. Otherwise, the degree (from TESC) will not matter only any classes that are relevant to your next degree somewhere else. My understanding is that some colleges will take classes validated by TESC that will not accept the same credit by exam directly, but others won't. 


There is a CLEP for homeschool yahoo group that discusses these topics in great depth and has hundreds of kids getting degrees from TESC and other colleges that accept a high number of CLEPs, DANTEs and other exam credit. I'm sure you could get a lot more feedback on the success their kids have had transferring for second degrees or more advanced degrees there.

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No I've never had any problem with my degree but I wasn't trying to use it to transfer to elite universities or anything either.


Thomas Edison is meant for adults who have some credits, work experience, and are trying to advance their careers/education.   I wouldn't recommend it as an "easy" way to get a degree or get out of having to take classes.  

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I'm a few months away from finishing my degree at TESC. Yes, people do have a tendency to look down on it. I think online degrees in general are still not considered as difficult as brick & mortal schools. However, TESC and Excelsior are appropriately accredited and can be rigorous, depending on what method you take. I'm in the middle of writing a 44-page paper: not easy!


I'm hesitant to have my *child* go there just because there is still that perception, whether it's true or not. I think an Associates (done via CLEP while in high school) transferred to a 4 year would work out just fine, and save money and time.

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