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Any recommendations for probiotic supplements for kids


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I have given my 6 year old son Primadophilus brand probiotics of and on for all his life - it helped him when he was a baby and was put on antibiotics for ear infections. I buy the refrigerated bottle from the local Whole Foods. He also eats probiotic yoghurt daily. The current supplement he takes has 3 bacteria: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus.


I think that since there are so many brands of probiotics for kids these days, I should now try out some other brand which might have a better blend of bacteria in them. The pills need to be chewable and not taste yucky.

Is there a brand of probiotics that is highly recommended and is beneficial to kids? I will be using it for good overall health and not to treat any condition. 

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My kids like miso. Dd drinks it as a soup, my little guy eats the paste straight. :ack2: There is no accounting for taste, is there? Sometimes I use it for flavouring instead of stock powder. 


We're also working on our first coconut kefir experiment. That is to be turned into chocolate pudding sweetened with raw honey this evening!

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Thanks Rosie and poikar - you reminded me of the easier alternatives to probiotic supplements. We do have Miso paste at home and occasionally make Miso soup. Maybe I should do it more often! As for Kefir, I like the flavored ones and occasionally buy it - maybe I should do that more often too.

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As for Miso, you have to make sure the water you mix it with is no warmer than hot tap water.  Boiling water will kill the probiotics as it is too hot.


I like the bio gaia probiotic drops.  I just drop them straight in my kids mouths, but you could put it on food if that's easier.  They are super easy with infants, since you can just drop them on your finger and then stick your finger in their mouth and they suck them off.  They are pretty much tasteless.  They also have chewables and probiotic straws, which I have not tried.

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Dahlia, thanks for the tip on the water temperature for the Miso - I will be careful not to use boiling water. I will also check out the bio gaia drops.


Momof3littles - my local Whole Foods carries both Jarrow and Udo, so I don't have to look far for them. Thank you.

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