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Looking for a new 1st grade spelling program


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We're doing a dictation-based spelling program now, and it's more work than I expected.  I'm thinking of switching to a workbook-based program.


I'd like something open and go, that DD can do independently (or at least with me wandering in and out of the room helping with instructions and answering questions), and which is worth her time for many years.  Right now the two main contenders are Zaner-Bloser and Soaring with Spelling.


We do Zaner-Bloser handwriting, and so I like that the models are the right handwriting.  And the workbooks are thin and colorful and the samples look cheery and inviting.


We do Winning with Writing and Growing with Grammar, so Soaring with Spelling would just add to the collection.  It looks a little more rigorous, with harder words all the way through (by lesson 9 in SwS the words all have "ai" in the middle, and by middle school the samples show SAT-type words).  But her workbooks are so thick and unwieldy, and not the most interesting things in the world.


I'll also entertain other suggestions, so long as they're not too expensive?  I know that Spelling Workout is popular, but I wasn't really enthralled with the copy I saw.

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We're using ACE Word Building. Very independent. Still uses phonetic principles and applies them to other words outside of the list for the PACE. Words aren't too challenging, but it isn't just a list, all teaches vocab, word parts etc. Where it meets your requirements: independent (except for any questions, self tests, tests), colorful (my girls love the character building cartoons), thin workbooks (broken into 12 books/yr). Cons? not the cheapest course, I think it's around $30 in the US, we pay more here in Canada.

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At first grade I would venture to say most anything done independently would be close to worthless. At that age most things are parent intensive if you want solid results.


If it's too much right now maybe wait until 2nd or 3rd for spelling? I know R&S is workbook based and by 3rd I think it is pretty independent.

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K12 Reader has completely free spelling, reading comprehension, etc.  http://www.k12reader.com/first-grade-spelling-words/


Depending on what you have available, an iPad App like the spelling ones Reading Eggs has...or using SpellingCity might work.





DD is in first grade, and although she reads quite well, she's not 100% comfortable being on her own for anything workbook-y...like math.  She always wants to check in with me to make sure she understands what they want.  Her spelling lists so far have been phonics based... so mop, stop, cop, pop, etc.

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Thanks everyone!  She reads well enough to follow instructions on her own.  She does Math Mammoth and her grammar and writing basically on her own, though I read over her shoulder or make corrections when she's done.  She's so little she does most of her schoolwork with me sitting next to her, but with 2 younger kids I need to wander in and out sometimes, so that's what I meant by independent.  She's definitely ready for spelling... her lack of spelling is definitely handicapping her writing at this point. She gets really hurt when other people can't really read what she's writing... I wouldn't say that she's a perfectionist, but she definitely knows that she needs to learn how to spell words.  


I just tried to be cheap and took on a free curriculum where I have to make up the games and worksheets and stuff, and I'm realizing that's just reinventing the wheel.


I'll check out the programs and the apps suggested.  Thanks again!

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